You Never See Mass Shootings At Gun Shows Tea Party Rallies Or NRA Meetings

There is a common thread clearly able to be seen here.  These sorts of criminals and nutjobs who like to commit mass murder are picking places that liberals have deemed arbitrarily of course to be safe.  You know like Gun Free School Zones? 

Liberals think guns are the reason why we have mass murder in our schools (Newtown Connecticut) and movie theaters (Aurora Colorado).  And now they are pushing hard to see how much of our second amendment rights they can strip away from us while Low Info Voters (as Rush Limbaugh calls them) are in a panic over when another group of innocent kids will be targeted.

But the facts continue to be as much as liberals guffaw over it that it is not guns that kill people but other people.  These other people are either criminals by choice with a long history of violent crimes but who cannot be kept in prison because liberals dont think locking people up is a good idea or mentally unstable individuals that again liberals refuse to let our society help because they think it is politically impolite to label people as not being in full control of their faculties.

Look I own several guns.  I have a Mossberg 500 shotgun (with breacher barrel) a Saiga .308 (with high capacity magazine) and two .40 caliber handguns.  You know how many people have been murdered by those guns?  The answer is none.  Yes contrary to popular liberal belief the guns I own dont murder anyone.  They havent murdered anyone because I am a responsible mentally stable law abiding citizen.

And just to further test liberal theory that it really is guns that kill people recently I took out all the guns laid them on my dresser with clips and ammo.  I then went to sleep.  In the morning I woke up and the ammo did not mysteriously jump into the clips the clips did not mysteriously pop themselves into the guns and the guns did not cock themselves and fire at me in the middle of the night.  I think that this test proves rather conclusively that without the hand of someone that wants to use the gun to commit a crime actually loading and firing the weapon nothing bad will happen.

I also think that there is a common thread clearly able to be seen here.  These sorts of criminals and nutjobs who like to commit mass murder are picking places that liberals have deemed arbitrarily of course to be safe.  You know like Gun Free School Zones?  Yeah ask the parents of those dead children in Newtown Connecticut how that worked out for them.

You know its funny.  For as much as liberals want to blame guns for violence and murders and work oh so diligently to pry them from the hands of American citizens you know where you never hear of mass shootings and murders?  Ill tell you where: NRA meetings gun shows and Tea Party rallies.  Funny huh?  Because at each and every one of those events I guarantee you people are packing.  And if they arent packing there are guns nearby and ready to be used in self-defense.  Gee I wonder why there arent mass murders galore at these sorts of events if guns really are the problem?

Of course we all know the answer.  Even liberals as dim as they are know the answer too.  But they wont admit it.  The reason is as the old saying goes guns dont kill people.  But crazy ass liberals who think that they are entitled to other peoples stuff sure do.  And sometimes they even use guns.  So the answer as always is it simply keep liberals (those people who want to take other peoples stuff or even life) from having guns.


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