Why would anyone vote for a Socialist Marxist Liberal Democrat?
Why would anyone vote for a Socialist Marxist Liberal Democrat as Barack Obama unless they are oblivious to the fact that less government is better? Theyre mindless zombies willing to sacrifice their established free existence into a life of government run servitude controlled by a privileged few. Theyre elated to be manipulated puppets with no incentive or room for human dignity or advancement. They are willing to be owned by the State told what to do and how to do it told what to say as long as they swallow the kool-aide of complete ownership and are in total agreement with their liberal task masters. They are bought and sold to the premonition of conscionable idiocy by truly believing the worthless garbage told by stupidity.
Why would anyone vote for a Socialist Marxist Liberal Democrat as Barack Obama unless the feel the President has the right to murder American citizens without Do Process" of American law
Why would anyone vote for a Socialist Marxist Liberal Democrat as Barack Obama to limit freedom of speech as to only allow those that mirror your ideology to speak. All those who dare to counter your beliefs should and must be stymied and silenced immediately at all costs. The First Amendment is once again by-passed and only used to protect your liberal approved rehearsed broken record talking points and spin.
Why would anyone for a Socialist Marxist Liberal Democrat as Barack Obama believes they can attack all religious beliefs except for those who they consider acceptable or afraid to criticize out of fear of physical retribution. Fear always offers a favorable tolerance to all well known cowards such as the Atheist demigods the Progressives and the Main Stream Liberal Media Press including their cable offsprings CNN and MSNBC.
Why Would anyone vote for a Socialist Marxist Liberal Democrat as Barack Obama unless they believe in compromising the second amendment and all our rights documnted in our United States Constitution. They believe that no one should own a gun while being firmly nave and totaling believing that their local law enforcement has all the capabilities to protect the from murderers thieves and violent offenders and deviants after they have the audacity for years criticizing the police on their ineptness and police brutality. They would use choice insulting words calling them pigs Nazi Gestapo corrupt profilers and heartless ruthless prejudice bigots with uncompassionate disrespect. What are they smoking?
Why Would anyone vote for a Socialist Marxist Liberal Democrat as Barack Obama unless they believe our Constitution should only be respected and used as a tool for their own agenda. Any other situations it should be rewritten ignored or abolished.
Why Would anyone vote for a Socialist Marxist Liberal Democrat as Barack Obama unless they firmly believe that abortion is not murder no matter what stages of the pregnancy and the fetus is not considered a human being. The baby is treated as an infectious growth with no feelings which must be cut out ripped away destroyed and eliminated at will by the mothers discretion no matter what age she is? There are always exceptions in which abortion may be necessary but not as an easy inhuman solution as not to face consequences or responsibility for ones own actions. Theres virtually no counseling or parental notification it is tax payer funded whether we believe in abortion or not. Its a money making scheme for the unscrupulous. Its only justification is constantly echoed as a womans right to choose what she does with her own body? Obviously the father has no voice in deciding the birth or death of his offspring while there is unlimited outrage in the protection of animals superseding their right of existence over that of an unborn child. Decency good conscience dignity compassion mercy humanity morals respect for human life is discarded and thrown out the window with the bath water. Our priorities as a Nation must be revised and questioned. We have all the makings of a sick immoral murderous society of human dignity.
Why would anyone vote for a Socialist Marxist Liberal Democrat as Barack Obama unless they feel deep in their hearts that the money they earned belongs solely to the Government. They truly believe that they should use it as they feel whats right even waste without any approval or justifications. Waste is acceptable? They totally believe that the Government knows best in how to spend their money. While others have the privilege of keeping their money paying no taxes because of favoritism loyalty political kickbacks political contributions corruption or their Government status elected or appointed? The government knows best even that the expense of your own familys health welfare and sacrifices.
Why would anyone vote for Socialist Marxist Liberal Democrat as Barack Obama unless they truly believe America is evil and we should bow before the world humiliating ourselves on bended knee humbling asking for their forgiveness.
Why would anyone vote for a Socialist Marxist Liberal Democrat as Barack Obama unless they believe that political correctness should rule our lives and must be used as a brainwashing tool taught in our educational institutions. Even if it falsely rewrites history mocks our forefathers portray America as Imperialistic and create criminal out of our American heroes Lies are totally accepted. Manipulations and mistruth are freely welcomed our children must be programmed in their warped liberal progressive image while nonsense in the classroom is compounded by renegade socialistic educators Parents have no input must relinquish their rights and are totally undermined by the education process?
Why would anyone vote for a Socialist Marxist Liberal Democrat as Barack Obama unless they believe that we shouldnt drill for oil build pipelines use coal or any forms of fossil fuel to our advantage even in abundance to fantasize protecting the environment from ourselves selling us lies like Al Gore" for their own profit and gain? Even if it reduces our National security creates high energy prices and frees us from foreign control and dependency. Alternative forms of energy at this present time dont work which places us in a vulnerable position if we solely rely on these undeveloped measures.
Why would anyone vote for a Socialist Marxist Liberal Democrat as Barack Obama unless they agree on having inept incompetent useless liars and idiotic brainless puppets foolishly appointed as Supreme Court Justices Czars Cabinet posts and Directors as long as they are true mindless Progressives.
Why would anyone vote for a Socialist Marxist Liberal Democrat as Barack Obama unless they believe that illegal aliens dont have to be documented or required to show any forms of identification when ask by authorities. They solidly believe that they have all the rights and privileges as an American Citizen including all unqualified blood sucking entitlements.
Why would anyone vote for a Socialist Marxist Liberal Democrat as Barack Obama unless they believe that businesses should not be allowed to make profits for themselves even if it costs American jobs adding more rules and regulations that hinder their profits.
Why would anyone vote for a Socialist Marxist Liberal Democrat as Barack Obama unless they believe the Government has the capabilities of running our Healthcare System even if history proves the incompetence of anything operated by the American Government with the exception of the military and law enforcement.
Why would anyone vote for a Socialist Marxist Liberal Democrat as Barack Obama unless they believe that liberal judges need to impose their liberal views on us all shoving their briefs and decisions down our throats interpreting the Constitution the way they see fit while by-passing Congress and the Senate who were elected by the people.
Why would anyone vote for a Socialist Marxist Liberal Democrat as Barack Obama unless theyre so cowardice narrow minded stupid and selfish that its unlikely theyll never accept another logical respected point of view initiated by any intelligent person contradicting their shameful harmful mental illness.