The gun grabbers really dont care about saving lives what they care about is power...
The death of innocents is always tragic. To feel empathy for those who lost their lives and their grieving loved ones is a normal healthy reaction. To feel any less would be less than human. Unfortunately a far less noble part of humanity the never let a good crisis go to waste" mindset of those who see human suffering as a means to an agenda always display their ugly faces at such times. So it is with the recent Sandy Hook shootings.
Predictably before the mourning families could even make funeral arrangements the usual suspects were already inundating the airwaves with a cacophony of anti-gun gibberish. People such as Michael Bloomberg were already demanding immediate action". Naturally by immediate action" Bloomberg and others of his ilk mean to strip gun owners of their right to bear arms.
The gullible that rely on emotion rather than logic are easy prey for such opportunists as Bloomberg Dianne Feinstein Eric Holder and of course Barack Hussein Obama. Governmental anti-gun types are shameless in their efforts to exploit a tide of mindless emotionalism by advocating what they euphemistically refer to as sensible gun laws". While they bend over backwards attempting to sell their notions as sensible" there is nothing sensible about it. To these control freaks the only solution to gun shootings is to disarm the law abiding. Take for example Obamas flippant response to the NRAs idea of posting armed guards in schools:
I am not going to prejudge the recommendations that are given to me. I am skeptical that the only answer is putting more guns in schools. And I think the vast majority of the American people are skeptical that that somehow is going to solve our problem." (emphasis added)
Such vapid reasoning" and presumptuousness are unfortunately typical of this administration...
Apparently it hasnt dawned upon Obama et al that high profile school shootings such as the recent Sandy Hook incident occurred in gun-free" zones. Ever since the passage of the Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1990 students and faculty alike have become sitting ducks. By 1995 the law was found to be unconstitutional by the USSC but in 1996 Bill Clinton with assistance from his anti-gun zealot attorney general Janet Reno found a creative" means of simply bypassing the constitution and keeping this horrendous law in effect. Based on the exponential increase in school shootings (can you say Columbine Virginia Tech and yes Sandy Hook) it is more than safe to say that this gun free zone" idea has been an abject failure - and has actually led to an increase in school shootings. Armed guards - or better yet - faculty members who have concealed weapon permits would provide a far more effective deterrent to lunatic Columbine wannabes than leaving our children and teachers defenseless against such attacks.
How about rephrasing more guns in schools" to more guns in the right hands" Mr. Obama? That would be a sensible" gun policy.
Heres the dirty little secret for all their hysterical anti-gun rhetoric the gun grabbers really dont care about saving lives what they care about is power. They use tragedies like Sandy Hook to pursue their real goal which is to disarm American citizens. They attempt to disguise their real intents and in some cases even give lip service to the second amendment. One especially comedic example is that of John Kerry who during his unsuccessful 2004 presidential campaign went on a photo-op hunting" trip complete with camos in order to show he supports hunters". Understand and this is a crucial point the second amendment isnt about hunting". It never has been. The fact is that the right to bear arms was put into place by the founders as a means of protecting the citizens from tyranny. That is why would-be governmental gun grabbers hate that pesky second amendment. An armed populace is the one thing standing between them and what they want an omnipotent central government accountable to no one and free to impose its will on a defenseless public. Sound harsh? Consider the gun policies of Adolph Hitler Joseph Stalin and Mao Tse Tung and think again…
Reading the founders own writings about the right to bear arms makes it quite clear what their intent was when adding the second amendment. Chuck Baldwin wrote a recent column that addresses this issue and I will repeat here two quotes he used from Thomas Jefferson and George Washington:
The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is as a last resort to protect themselves against tyranny in government."
Thomas Jefferson
Firearms stand next in importance to the Constitution itself. They are the American peoples liberty teeth and keystone under independence… From the hour the Pilgrims landed to the present day events occurrences and tendencies prove that to ensure peace security and happiness the rifle and pistol are equally indispensable… The very atmosphere of firearms everywhere restrains evil interference. When firearms go all goes."
George Washington
In Baldwins follow-up column he puts forth a three point plan of action for combatting these assaults on our freedom. I agree strongly and recommend you read Chucks complete column on this but allow me to boil it down here with a couple of observations:
1) Make phone calls to our representatives and senators on Capitol Hill. It is imperative that our congress critters hear from us regarding our complete and total opposition to any new gun control measures. They need to hear from us NOW and en masse.
2) If Congress passes any new gun bill the states themselves need to stand up to Washington therefore our state governors and legislatures need to hear from us as well…they need to be reminded that the federal government serves at the pleasure of the people not the other way around. When the federal government oversteps its bounds and tramples the very constitution that limits its scope it is incumbent on the states to preserve the rights of its people. I would say that governors need to prevent the enforcement of any unconstitutional seizure of firearms by the federal government using every means at their disposal including arresting and incarcerating any federal agent who attempts such action on the individual states soil.
3) Baldwins third point is that we as individuals must be prepared to draw a line in the sand... (I) refuse to comply with any law requiring us to register or surrender our firearmsincluding our semi-automatic rifles. Ladies and gentlemen whatever the consequences might be and whatever anyone else does or doesnt do I am prepared to become an outlaw over this issue! I dont know how to say it any plainer: I will not register my firearms and I will not surrender my firearms. Period. End of story. Its not just a saying with me: when my guns are outlawed I will be an outlaw!"
Amen Chuck Baldwin! Freedom is worth fighting for now as it was in 1776. Our right to bear arms is the one freedom that preserves all of the others. It is time to let the Obama-coms and any spineless representatives who would simply cave in order to get along" know that enough is enough. It is time to let them know that their days of shredding our constitution are over and that their idea of a socialist utopia with the elite feeding at the taxpayer trough all the while issuing unlawful edicts to the rest of us that threaten our liberties is not going to happen. There are millions of law abiding gun owners in this country…but an out of control federal government coming after them will do so at its own peril.
© Copyright by Chip McLean 2013. All rights reserved.
Chip McLean is the editor/publisher for Capitol Hill Coffee House and Capitol Hill Outsider. Chip is a former broadcaster. His interest in politics began at the age of eight when his parents took him to a Barry Goldwater rally during the 1964 presidential election. In addition to his work at CHCH Publishing Chips columns have appeared in a number of online conservative publications.