Useful Liberal Idiots and Vote Fraud

The problem with you progressives is that you never progressed beyond childhood; you think only of what you want in the moment and are oblivious to long-term implications.

Among the responses to my recent article on Democrat vote fraud were those of liberals who were happy to hear no evil see no evil and be the evil. Their rationalization-aided attitudes ranged from accusing traditionalists of being sore winners to equating 2012 with Bush-Gore in 2000 to simply denying hard evidence. Does it matter at all to you liberals that Democrats were actually caught on video facilitating and promising to engage in vote fraud? Rhetorical question I know. And the denial much reminds of what ex-KGB Soviet defector Yuri Bezmenov said about people born of the process of demoralization": even if you took them to the USSR so they could see the gulags with their own eyes they would not believe it.

But what you can believe is that increasingly Barack Obama is trading the rule of law for the law of the ruler. Not only has his machine engaged in vote fraud but he has relied heavily on governance by executive fiat; for instance on immigration.

Clearly many liberals arent bothered by this because their guy won and is doing their bidding (or so they think). They dont realize that while the kind of politicians elected or policies instituted is significant it is secondary to how they are elected or instituted.

For instance lets assume for arguments sake that Barack Obama and his agenda really are sweetness and light Gods gift to American governance. Accepting this it would follow that anyone standing in his way is harming our nation. But does this mean that getting him into office and his policies instituted by any means necessary is justified? What of means that do more harm than the frustration of your desired end?

The point is that you may trust Obama but he wont be around forever. And once vote fraud becomes the norm can you really be sure that the future candidate with the slickest ground game" wont be a vile demagogue you fear? Will you want this person to be able to rule by executive fiat? Because he will. That toothpaste cant be put back in the tube yet you liberals insist on squeezing it empty.

The problem with you progressives is that you never progressed beyond childhood; you think only of what you want in the moment and are oblivious to long-term implications. Our Founding Fathers gave us three branches of government for the same reason ancient Sparta once had two kings: man has long recognized the perils of placing too much power in one leaders hands. So forget Obama. Do you really want the presidency to become a dictatorial institution? And of course effective vote fraud empowers an ambitious leader more than most anything else. For a politician can act contrary to the peoples will with impunity if they dont have the capacity to vote him out of office.

And once a government is afforded new powers not only does their exercise soon become habitual but future leaders will be loath to relinquish them. Freedom is not an Aspidistra; it dies easily and grows again only under ideal conditions. Tyranny on the other hand is like nuclear waste: it can have an interminable half-life.

Liberals attitude regarding the Obama machines vote fraud is reminiscent of their defense of the Wizard of Is (Bill Clintons) infidelity. They didnt condemn his behavior but say that because he was still the lesser of two evils theyd have to hold their nose and vote for him regardless; rather they were willing to lower the whole nation morally to elevate one man politically. Likewise liberals are now willing to downgrade our electoral integrity to upgrade one ideological class to hegemonic prominence.

Leaders come and go but a degraded moral fabric and undermined rule of law and the former begets the latter can be forever. Forever? Whatever" the liberals say. The future means nothing to juveniles governed by what feels right in the present.

As for conservatives they need to learn something about child-rearing: you dont negotiate with unruly children.

You discipline them.  

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