Treasonous Obama Strikes Again

width=80Obama has allowed Chinese nationals associated with the Chinese Liberation Army to work in a sensitive area of NASA and now one has been caught stealing information.

The world is laughing at us. It has come to light that the Obama administration has allowed hundreds of Chinese nationals who are closely associated with the Chinese Liberation Army to work in a sensitive area of NASAs Langley Research Center. What could possibly go wrong?

Heres what: one of these nationals Bo Jiang was arrested on Monday at Dulles International Airport for apparently attempting to take sensitive information out of the US. Dont give our security apparatus too much of a slap on the back for apprehending him though as Jiang had previously succeeded in leaving the country with a laptop containing sensitive information.

And whats in it for us in granting all this access to Chinese PLA operatives? Well with stupidity you no get eggroll. In an interview on the subject with Washington DCs WMAL-FM Congressman Frank Wolf (R-VA) revealed that the program is not meant to be a cultural exchange as Americans are not invited to work in Beijings counterpart facilities" writes Breitbart.

But it is what we dont know that is likely most damaging. If hundreds of Chinese PLA operatives have access to the Langley Research Center how many are placed in other sensitive American facilities? And if Jiang has transferred sensitive information how many other foreign spies have done so but havent been caught?

There was a saner time when an enemy powers nationals would be viewed with suspicion. But I suppose thats considered racial/ethnic profiling now the kind of prejudice that Obamas minions just wont tolerate. Hey why would Chinese citizens place the interests of their country ahead of those of a foreign power (thats us) except for the fact that this is mans nature and has been the practice of virtually everyone who has ever lived? Of course though since the internationalist left has no such allegiance to their country this fact may elude them.

Vladimir Lenin once said that we would sell the communists the rope with which they hang us little did he know that wed end up giving it away. The Chinese regime is a foe and a burgeoning dangerous one at that. It has expressed a desire to be the worlds hegemon and of course this isnt surprising among nationalistic peoples (which is everyone except Westerners it seems). China is perhaps the biggest external threat we face.

What Obama is guilty of here is nothing less than treason. No I dont care to argue about whether he is purposely trying to undermine our nation or is simply acting in accordance with a multicultural citizen-of-the-world mindset. Just because a doctor commits malpractice without malice doesnt mean he wont be hit with a devastating lawsuit.

But I guess Obama like Bill Clinton before him is just redistributing the technology. Hey forget Vegetius. If you want war prepare for peace.

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