Hollywood is hypocritical about diversity when it comes to TV shows. The top 10 shows are full of profanity and sex.
If you stopped watching network television awhile ago because it had gotten so bad you made the correct decision. It has continued to get worse. A few years ago network television became dominated by cheaply made reality TV shows and talent contests sitcoms with hyperactive manic characters and socially liberal themes. Television has always pushed the edge when it comes to socially progressive themes. But at what point does it go too far? Perhaps when there are no other options left during prime time network TV.
The top ten most popular TV shows last fall contained few choices for traditional conservatives unless they enjoy watching football. The first fourth and tenth most popular shows were Sunday Night Football Sunday Night Pre-Kick and The OT (NFL wrap-up) respectively.
The second most popular TV show last fall was Modern Family which features the lives of three families including two gay men and their daughter. There is profanity and one episode implied that teenage sex was appropriate. The Big Bang Theory was the third most popular show last fall. The plot is based on the lives of some nerdy guys and a beautiful woman who tries to teach them social skills. It features frequent discussions about sex including masturbation and is sprinkled with profanity.