Thousands Attend Town Hall in Phoenix to Hear Trump Discuss Chasing the Vote, Rigged Elections, and Illegal Immigration

Thousands of people turned out for a town hall event by Turning Point USA with former President Donald Trump Thursday afternoon at Dream City Church in north Phoenix. Trump and Turning Point CEO Charlie Kirk were the sole speakers at the “Chase the Vote” event, urging patriots to make the margin of victory in the 2024 election “too big to rig.” The rest of the event focused heavily on illegal immigration, highly critical of the Biden administration’s record.

Trump’s last visit to the state was 18 months ago. One attendee told The Arizona Sun Times that when they arrived at 8 a.m., over 4,000 people were already in line. Outside temperatures reached 108 degrees, and vendors with water and drinks were sprinkled throughout the church property. The event officially began at 2 p.m., but Kirk came out a little after noon and spoke in advance of Trump’s appearance. The crowd held up signs with Trump’s mugshot on them.

Trump began his speech by denouncing the lawfare against him. He said the impeachments and court cases are what he doesn’t want to say, “bull***.” The crowd responded by chanting, “bull****, bull****!” He said, “It’s all fake. Everything is fake,” referring to the impeachments and lawfare against him.

Trump gave a strong endorsement of Kari Lake for the U.S. Senate, discussing how the machines broke down only for Republicans in her gubernatorial race. “Kari Lake is going to be your next senator,” he said. The crowd went wild, cheering for her.

He mentioned some of his other endorsements, including Abe Hamadeh for Congress in Arizona’s 8th Congressional District.

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