The Top 10 Reasons NOT to Vote for Blake Masters

10. His gas-lighting is exhausting. And insulting. (Blake lies about his opponent, his own history, and feigns support from President Trump. Then, when people don’t believe him, he lies some more. Blake runs his campaign like a man who tells his wife she’s only imagining there’s a woman hiding under the bed. Or she’s just the housekeeper. Who’s cleaning dust bunnies. And just happens to be naked.)

9. He’s weak. (This is a man who didn’t fight the stolen 2022 Arizona election. Not for one freaking second. Instead, he simply went home and called it a day – leaving Kari and Abe to take multiple hits in the courtroom. And in the press. That is, until Blake decided to run for Congress and conveniently rewrite history.)

8. He is Not MAGA. (He pretends to be America First, because he knows it’s the only way to win an election. But he’s actually just another run-of-the-mill politician, who would help the DC cabal carry-on as usual.)

7. He hits below the belt. (Masters betrayed his former friend, Abe, not just by running against him, but by spreading vicious innuendos about Hamadeh and his family.)

6. He lacks ethics. (Blake seems to believe Arizona’s located in the Deep South, trapped in a Pre- 1964 time warp. Consequently, he has no qualms authorizing blatantly RACIST Ads against his opponent.)

5. He relies on low-information voters, who don’t have a clue what’s going on. (Bottom line: He thinks you’re stupid.)

4. His Big-Tech donor dropped him for a reason. (After Blake’s terrible showing in 2022, even Peter Thiel realized it was time to cut his losses.)

3. The Deep State, the Uni-Party, and the leftist media adore him. (Need I say more?)

2. Voters view him negatively. (According to the New York Times: The head of a Republican Super PAC expressed that, in Blake’s ‘22 campaign, the Focus Group scored Masters with the lowest ratings of any candidate he’d ever seen. Not that week. Not that cycle. Ever! ) And the number One reason NOT to vote for Blake Masters:

1. We have a strong, Trump endorsed, MAGA option – a proven warrior, a patriotic man who’s fought valiantly for our Country: In court – for election integrity. And in our military – while deployed in Saudi Arabia with a Top Secret Security Clearance. We have a genuine candidate who is 100% America First. And that candidate’s name is Abe Hamadeh. Please vote accordingly.
*Candy Chand is a writer from Cave Creek, AZ. She’s been interviewed on PBS, Fox & Friends, and by The New York Times. Follow her on X

*Abe Hamadeh is the ONLY Trump endorsed candidate for Arizona’s Congressional District Eight. Find out more at or follow him on X @AbrahamHamadeh

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