The Struggles of a Middle Class Family

width=150The poor already get healthcare they get housing they get public assistance food stamps. However there is only so much we can do without also bringing down the middle class because eventually their taxes will be raised to keep up with government spending. 
I am a 39 yr. old husband and father of five one with autism. I am struggling to keep my head above water financially in a state New Jersey where the middle class is evaporating at a rapid pace. Property taxes housing energy costs food costs the price of gasoline its all becoming too much. It may be easier for us to become a have-not rather than struggle to be a have. 

Weve been blessed to be able to turn to our church community and receive a compassionate Godly response. I just want to make sure the government assistance will remain with those whose needs are the greatest a safety net that will enable those to get back on their feet and that the government dollar is not a fight that will suffer from an expansion of recipients.

I work in the field of social services and can attest first hand that we as a nation take pretty good care of the poor. The poor have all their needs met in this country. The bigger issue is moral decay single-moms abusive households emotionally damaged children. I wish we could focus a little more on Christian redemption moral responsibility social empathy and traditional family and less on the economics. 

The poor already get healthcare they get housing they get public assistance food stamps. However there is only so much we can do without also bringing down the middle class because eventually their taxes will be raised to keep up with government spending. 

Does the ACA help the poor? no. They already have health care. Does it help the middle-class? Im not so sure. But we need to be a little more pragmatic responsible and Biblical before we start throwing around terms like Social JUSTICE. I am for equality and much good has been done in the name of social justice but are we going too far?

Government has a role to play but government must do so responsibly and ethically. I believe the GOP was trying to tackle some of the current and future problems that require responsible and feasible solutions while the Democratic strategy of kicking the can down the road and enabling a godless culture will have grave consequences for the future of this country and the world. If we dont start applying some forward thinking we can kiss our current entitlements (i.e. Social Security) goodbye.

Not that the GOP has not committed sins (i.e. excessive deregulation and unorthodox wars have both proved problematic) but if something doesnt change something is gonna give.

Government and forced economic redistribution cannot solve perceived social injustice all they can do is spread the poverty around.  We must be careful when getting behind any cause or movement that acts in the name of justice. When we use the word Justice we think of a civil right something enforceable by law. When taken to the extreme we may actually be endorsing the borrowing and spending of money that is not even available to achieve this cause. In a zealous quest to promote equality we may be endorsing reckless spending practices specifically the distribution of unsupported funds. An insurmountable debt will be the ultimate end. A type of debt that can only be relieved through significant tax increases upon future generations - we are literally stealing from our children and grandchildren when we do this. Wheres the justice in such philosophy?  
In addition we as a society needs to cease living beyond our means and looking to government to deliver us from the self-inflicted economic hole we repeatedly find ourselves. This is all part of a vicious cycle indicative of a restless reckless debt-laden generation that is searching for comfort and fulfillment in materialism. 
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