The Freedom From Religion Foundation, Americans United (for the Separation of Church and State); and other like minded groups will stop at nothing at making the United States of America an our right secular nation. They have twisted the intent of the founders who did not want a state church but allowed for religious freedom.
Key quotes to keep in mind.
Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other. - John Adams
…let us with caution indulge the supposition that morality can be maintained without religion. Whatever may be conceded to the influence of refined education on minds of peculiar structure, reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle. – George Washington
The concept of God Given rights is as old as time. The You Shall Nots among The Ten Commandments are a statement of God Given Rights.
The Six Commandment; You shall not murder, means that God has given us a Right to Life.
You shall not steal, is a declaration of private property rights, and complement by the 10th Commandment; You Shall Not Covet i.e. be envious if not having something your neighbor has.
Still the hard core leftist atheists would still question the need for such commandments; with the FFRF asking if we can write “a kinder, wiser, more reasonable set of commandments than those that Christians insist we honor.” The late William Edelen called the Commandments a primitive code of taboos written for the Hebrew cult, and later declares that “your own innate, humane, moral, ethical sensibilities and sensitivities today that make it right and good.”
While these God hating radicals correctly point out that God is not mentioned anywhere in the U.S. Constitution, neither is the literal Separation of Church and State. They just twist the First Amendment to make it sound that way. They truly do overlook and/or downplay the part of not prohibiting such speech while they focus on the “respecting an establishment” part of the statement.
Our Declaration of Independence is were the creator and/or God is mentioned and it seems that it was good enough and no need to put it in our Constitution.
“We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness….”
Just because our Constitution does not mention God or Creator does not mean its purely secular…unlike the Constitution of the now defunct Soviet Union (USSR) or the Constitution on Cuba.
Article 52 the USSR Constitution states that in the respective nation; “the church is separated from the state, and the school from the church.” Cuba declared themselves to be a secular state and also that the Communist Party of Cuba is above religious freedom as CPC is leading force of the Cuban society and state. As such, the Communist Party of Cuba trumps God and his law and can give and take away the rights of its people.
So why do these so-called freethinkers want to make America a secular nation? In the case of FFRF it seems they are more interested in solidifying the sexual revolution believing that it liberated women, especially when it came to the cause of abortion rights and the right to have an abortion at any time of pregnancy; coupled with the push for the right of the LGBTQ+ i.e. alternative sexual lifestyles. A nation that honors God and the Law of God would stand in the way of these so-called rights. These very same freethinkers also do have an admiration for the likes of Karl Marx and other revolutionaries that choose to challenge God and his law.
Any society that focuses on humanity’s personal pleasures eventually comes crashing down, and America will be no different. The Big A Atheists have been a growing movement of power among the modern left and they will fight hard to achieve their godless utopia. No different than the other nations that embraced modern day tyranny thanks to the likes of Marx, Mao etc.
We really need to educate the people about Church/State separation and what it really means. Contrary to the left, it does not mean we embrace a culture that is going towards to put it bluntly; a return to pagan ideology, and where rebellious human beings declare themselves to be God.
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