The Corrupting of Americas Youth

FlavasIn the year 400 B.C. an indictment was laid against the Greek philosopher Socrates for among other things corrupting the youth of Athens. According to our best information Socrates crime consisted in all significant respects of getting young Athenians to think challenging the status quo and attempting to bring about some manner of religious reformation. We can expect that he would probably be condemned today as well. After all many modern political gadflies are guilty of nothing more than exercising their ability to think and criticize the status quo.   Of course few truly thoughtful Americans would consider challenges to the status quo or a well-reasoned analysis of world events to be corrupting. Instead they might put their own brains to work posit their own well-reasoned responses and then get on with life. Still the state of American youth is an important issue and many people today are concerned as to what is happening with our youth and why. When Dan Quayle is crucified for defending the American Family something has to be wrong. After all the family is supposed to be the foundation stone of society. Which leads us to a news item found on September 18 2003 indicating that Mattel the toymaker best known for the Barbie doll was about to release a line of dolls targeted for the six to twelve year old market. The dolls are advertised as having attitude" and are decked out in street-wise attire such as oversized tops and pants and come with tattoo appliqus. They may be accessorized with ghetto blaster stereos cell phones and presumably other items that will make an appearance later. Two sets available from featuring motorcycles actually had more conservative clothing and (gasp!) helmets.  Somehow this seemed to fly a bit in the face of the attitude" that the dolls were supposed to display.  After all isnt attitude" about rebellion and flaunting the rules?   The news report went on to quote Val Stedham of the British Association of Toy Retailers. Kids are getting older younger" he said ignoring the highly evident contradiction in terms and the possibility that it might imply families at age 16 and perhaps dying of old age at 45 or 50. Meanwhile Mattel opines that Flavas (pronounced FLAY-vuhz) are the first reality-based fashion doll brand that celebrates todays teen culture through authentic style attitude and values" allowing girls to express their own personal flavor or style or perhaps personal spelling as well. John Baulch who publishes Toys and Playthings an industry magazine apparently believes it. Everything has to have attitude" he says and the fact that parents may not like it makes it more appealing to children.   Somehow somewhere along the line Stedhams and Baulchs thinking seems to have become derailed.  Where did they get the idea that this kind of self-expression was good? Did they consider the possibility that parents might disapprove of self-destructive behavior? Are the parents in charge or are the kids? Is Mattel interested in producing a generation of tattooed street punks? And why cant they spell properly?   Actually it is not just the toy industry. Music movies toys television comic books sports and so many other sources of entertainment have focused on the ideas of extremism and attitude.  Children become ensnared when parents are too busy or too distracted to take proper charge.  Entertainment teaches children attitude is normal." Eventually after too much exposure they become jaded and overly mature in worldly matters but they remain immature in the things that count; the ability to understand and properly process the information they are presented with. They have no discipline. They may not be able to use algebra or write a coherent essay even if they know the words to the latest rap hit. They become rebellious people with no real values little or no moral context no sense of civic virtue and little or no understanding of what holds a society together. They are the perfect group of people around which to build a failing civilization.   One major symptom of the problems our youth are encountering is the obsession with everything extreme." It is no longer sufficient for anything to be normal or ordinary. Simplicity is not enough to satisfy the jaded personality which needs to be over-stimulated even to achieve what would have been satisfying a generation or two before. And when extremism is not enough where will youth turn for entertainment? Will we return to blood sport as in ancient Rome or is Rollerball in the offing?   As a fan of old movies and books Im reminded at times of how young people amused themselves in past years. Try watching Meet Me in St. Louis reading Little Women or perhaps Cheaper By The Dozen.  In these and other period stories teens had their own household duties and no time for attitude." Their  family was counting on them and the bonds between parents and children were not something to be taken lightly. When they had time for entertainment it was organized group based and encouraged them to excel at things that enhanced their social skills and set the stage for adult interactions. And within the family it was more than just a matter of duty. There was love as well; something not found on street corners and it doesnt come with attitude attached.   For years some highly vocal types have criticized Mattel for the unrealistic model that Barbie provided. If Flavas" are the best model for youth that the toy industry can produce then give me Barbie. At least she was well groomed well dressed and didnt have attitude tattoos or encourage children to rebel against their parents.
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