Thanksgiving 2012: A National Day of Shame

With our culture in full collapse and our constitutional freedoms in tattered ruins Republican luminaries tell us to be good sports and let the butchers of our values enjoy their prize.  We are in no position to thank God for our country at this time if we are thus collaborating in her demise.

Barbara Bush thinks that we should get on with it".  Republican leadership thinks that we should salute the other sides collectivist banner since they won the game.  Bobby Jindal and Newt Gingrich think that Mitt Romney should stop insulting the vast numbers of citizens" who voted for Obama because they enjoy freebees.  Not since Nikita Krushchev declared We will bury you" have Americans had to listen to so much lie down and die" talk.  In fact Krushchev later explained that he meant your own working class will bury you."  If he had substituted your chronically dependent class" he would have nailed it.

For we have been buried.  The United States of America as a coherent society is dead.  But not every last one of us who believes in common decency objective truth honesty responsibility hard work self-control self-sacrifice and devotion to a supreme moral power has yet been smothered in the tsunami of societal collapse.  We still have a little time to make lifeboats out of driftwood.

This isnt a game Mrs. Bush.  Fighting for ones life is not a game.  When a rival team beats your sons high school on the field of play then you throw up your hands smile and watch the kids congratulate each other in good sportsmanship.  But when someone breaks into your house knocks your son senseless and runs away with the money that would have sent him to college or been much of his legacy you dont say Well played Burglar!

Or maybe a Republican of Bush/Rove/Christie ilk really would say that: i.e. a member of the Judas Party to which Mrs. Bush has generously donated one husband and (so far) two sons.  After all the poor stiff whom the burglar bludgeoned would be Mrs. Bushs butler no significant cash would actually be kept anywhere outside of a state-of-the-art vault and the burglars haul would end up being invested in some shady sort of trafficking that would eventually profit the Bush portfolio.  It was the Republicans let us recall who originally tampered with Allen Wests district and it was the Republican House that refused to back West this past week against an election so patently fraudulent that any red-blooded American would be rioting in the streets.  That House might have seated West by special vote and undone a flagrant overweening contemptible outrage practiced by the Florida Democrat mafia… but its leadership decided instead to shake hands across the aisle.  Chris Christie might have denied our Czar-in-Chief the opportunity to use New Jerseys tragedy as an electioneering photo-op… but he instead placed his state above his country (translation: his own political launching pad above the survival of constitutional government).

One might almost be forgiven for concluding that this election cycle turned out just the way the Republicans wantedthat Messrs. Boehner and Cantor have for years been itching to rush over to the other side.  Socialism isnt really so very bad for business you know: not if youre a very very big business.  It utterly annihilates your smaller competition.  It gives you access to state bail-outs and state support.  You can continue shifting your plant and labor to China and India while a complicit government propaganda machine drapes you in the Stars and Stripes.

A border guard lies deadand uncounted innocents in Mexico including dozens of children have been murderedthanks to Operation Fast and Furious; but Eric Holder is back for a repeat performance and the story that never really lived in the mainstream media is now ice-cold.  A U.S. ambassador and his heroic defenders were hung out to be slaughtered by this Administration… and that story too grows colder by the minute.  This president could walk up to Ann Coulter in a roomful of reporters and splatter her brains all over the carpet with a Glock… and the scribbling sycophants would paean his marksmanship.  He is our first sort-of-African-sort-of-American president he doesnt give a crap about private property (except in private among his cronies) he believes that hard work means taking what you can however you can he ties those who honor truth in knots of their own naivet he shoots hoops and sings the blues he views tradition as a heap of tiresome bullcorn he smokes weed hes cool with free love… why he is the minted facsimile of the New American.  He is everything that will live (for a while until the monster begins devouring her young) after we of the old America all die.  He is the anti-president of the anti-America and we shall most certainly have at least four more years of him now.

This isnt a game Mrs. Bush.  Justice has been raped over and over before our eyes the rule of rule lies in shreds decency has been chased deep into hiding free speech is menaced with arrest and jail grandmothers are being sent to cheap graves on cheap pain pills small business are being pounded to dust by arrogant bureaucracy dollars are being flung into the economy like rolls of toilet paper debt is being multiplied like the speed of a nose-diving jet children around the world are being vaporized from week to week as a megalomaniac wages a private war with high-tech play things… and your advice is to get over it.  The fruit of your ancient wisdom is this: to be a good sport.

This isnt a freakin game Mrs. Bush.

Approximately half of our fellow citizens" are now our inveterate enemies.  They oppose our essential values more rabidly in many cases than do fundamentalist Muslims the ruling despots of Red China or other desperate characters around the world in whose resistance we are supposed to volunteer our sons and daughters for military service.  The greatest enemies we paleo-Americans have in the world are the neo-Americans who spit trample and defecate day by day on everything we hold dear.

We to them are racists bigots sexists homophobes hypocrites cretins Neanderthals Luddites various other words whose meanings they are too insanely self-righteous to analyze and many more four-letter words whose meaning is merely a collective middle finger.  They our fellow citizens" are liars cheats frauds traitors louts thugs brats punks narcissists exhibitionists sociopaths antinomians sybarites fantasists blockheads slaves and fools.  At what point Governor Jindal and Mr. Gingrich should one refuse to shake hands with a terminally adolescent obscenity-machine who urinates on ones shoes snitches ones wallet and screams in ones face?  What does it take to make you guys mad?  How far do you think you can bend over in your efforts to understand" their side until you fall into their sewage?

This is warand war is not a game.  Those of us who feel morally obligated to allow ourselvesand more importantly our principlesto drift meekly into oblivion as we live out some sort of quietist faith should by all means pray over their turkey this Thanksgiving as if nothing were happening; for to them nothing ever really does happen.  Life is a passing illusion… a bus stop on the way to death and new life.  May their passage be swift.

For the rest of us Thanksgiving should be a day of shame and a day of new resolution.  We have squandered what God has given us and as of this moment most of us continue to evade the unpleasant reality that burns our eyes even through their closed lids.  These people these New Americans among whom we live and breathe are enemies of truth and those who compromise with them make a cowardly pact with liesa one-sided promise of indefinite appeasement whose terms are more loathsome and squalid than falsehood itself.

Some specific recommendations for fighting this new kind of war: dont allow your children to work in or for this government.  Dont let them wear the uniform of the United States.  They may well be ordered to commit acts that will haunt them throughout their lives and their commanders will very likely not stand behind them if their disgrace becomes international news.  On the contrarythey will become scapegoats offered to the wolves.

Support and encourage a strong state resistance to dictatorial top-down policies.  I personally should like to see state militias raised to protect international borders: I would willingly pay higher taxes to chase drug cartels out of the Southwest.  When Holder & Co. command us to desist… well I should like to see just how they handle our giving them the bird.  Our national guardsmen will not shoot their fathers and brothers just because Holder & Co. order them to: not just yet they wont.

If you are the owner of a small business hold out with what you have for as long as you can.  Dont try to expand and prosper in spite of everything: dont offer this regime any propaganda fodder in its ongoing effort to sell an idiot populace on the recovery".

Arm yourself.  Police may or may not come to your aid in the near future.  In Cleveland police refused to respond to the calls of election observers being illegally bustled out of polling places.  Buy a gun.  If Eric Holder should ever take it away buy a black-powder muzzle-loader or even a bow and arrow.  Obtain whatever you can to dissuade psychopathic hooligans from kicking in your window and plundering your home like a bunch of pirates boarding a galleon.  Die hard.

Keep having children.  Our new rulers want you to die ideologically and demographically.  Dont play along.  Make vibrant families and feed them on peanuts and spuds from the back yard if you must.

Stop going to movies and stop buying anything connected with Propa-Tainment Complex.  Stop patronizing mainstream news media.  Stop rewarding them.  This is a war for crying out loud: youre not being asked to stick your head out where bullets are whizzing pastonly to desist from debasing your familys values by lapping up the saccharine poison dumped in overflowing troughs before you.

Home-school your kids or at least put them where they will be raised to prize inner worth rather than skin color and gender to admire temperance rather than debauchery to express individualism through eloquent artistry rather than through grotesque counter-conformity and to handle new knowledge with humility rather than to assume themselves elevated above their parents by a headful of progressivist cant.

Know your faithknow it intimately rather than by word of mouth.  Do not suppose that the message of Christ is to smile and be pleasant as truth is violated innocence undermined justice trampled taste brutalized and free will fettered.  Your faith means nothing if you merely look on at one atrocity after another tacitly participating in the slaughter of each new victim through your principled" refusal to raise an objection.  The pangs you feel in watching the butchery of honor truth and decency are not those of the New Man fighting down the Old Mans belligerence.  They are the deep inward bite of moral cowardice.  If your spiritual advisor constantly eggs you on to feed this worm with your soul… get another guide.

Use less of everythinggive yourself more power by making yourself less dependent.  Always remember that our enemies both Democrat and Republican need us to grow ever more dependent.  Pull in the opposite direction.  Find medicines online or by word of mouth that treat your ailments (as your ancestors did) and take such good care of yourself that even the doctor sees you rarely.  Be as free as you can: become tough so that you may be free.

I thank God this weekand every weekfor the undying certainty within me that there will always be more of us than of them.  The only way we lose in the long run is if we defeat our own cause.  Please recognize as a first step in this all-or-nothing struggle just who your enemies are.  Some of them are standing right beside you with their arm around your shoulder.

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