The Democrat Partys loudest voices have clearly abandoned every trace of moral principle. Nothing could make this more evident than their unconcern for defenseless children.
We have entered a temporal phasespecifically the post-mortem phase of coherent American nationality and culturewhere it has become vitally important to call a spade a spade. Though I have remained in a numbed state since the early November verdict on our common future I probed yet deeper reaches of astonishment this past week. To hear the Republican establishments indignation at Harry Reids attempted rewriting of basic Senate rules is to watch old men express shock that fire burns. These are the same people these Republican leaders who advised us to get over it" after the re-election debacle. When may I ask do they intend to face up to it"? When will they realize in other words that any person of average honesty and normal decency cannot (and should not) just get over" being ruled by dead souls with no moral principles whatever? Harry Reid represents the Democrat ruling elite and represents it well. Its members are liars bullies slanderers hypocrites cowards traitors megalomaniacs demagogues nihilists obscenity-peddlers influence-pimps forked-tongued chameleons and every other variety of slithy tove. Why would you be outraged that a fox appointed to guard the henhouse emerges with feathers all over his face? Why would you expect a psychopathic mass-murderer like Che Guevara to abide by the Geneva Convention?
Che of course is one of the Lefts guiding lightsand in ways more pertinent than simply sporting the tonsorial style that young Democrats like to affect during their college days. For they too are mass-murderers if only by complicity. It is high time that those words be said. The days of reaching across the aisle and working together are over. On the other side of the aisle sit scores of adult professionals all fully responsible for their acts who have willfully and repeatedly aided and abetted the slaughter of children. The Democrat leadership consists of those who promote child-murder.
I will not recycle for the umpteenth time the brief against abortion. Let us stipulate that abortion may be the lesser of evils in certain circumstances whether or not we believe it so individually: let us grant the point for the sake of argument. Over and beyond that list of special circumstances sits the case of the fully viable fetus well into its third trimester whose actual birth is induced in the procedure known as Partial-Birth Abortion. As the child exits the birth canalbut before it exits completely which would qualify it for protection under the lawthe doctor inserts a syringe into its head and sucks its brains out. This is a fact. This is what happens in the procedure. I discovered last week that an entire class of two dozen college freshmen entrusted to me was wholly unaware of the stark nauseating truth about PBA… but there it is. Its what we allow in the Unknitted Stats of Amerika thanks to Democrat congressmen like Senator Barack Obama (whose endorsement became a matter of public record on one of the few occasions when he voted other than present"). The faithful Democrat approves the slaughter of little babies as they struggle from their mothers uterus. Democrats approve the suck their little brains out" technique. Thats who Democrats are.
The Amerikan Czar also endorses and actively practices the vaporizing of children who happen to be in the company of bad guy" parents when one of his drones has a clear shot at the target. The Czar has his kill" list he is informed when one of its unfortunate members strays into the cross-hairs and he illegally (by every principle known to international law) gives the thumbs-up to execute or not as the whim takes him. His lackeys allow toddlers who vanish in the same cloud of smoke to be classed as combatants through a clever tweaking of how combatant" is officially defined. Fairly recent estimates are that the Czars orders have sent 176 children to early graves in Pakistan alone. (1) Democrats enjoy this kind of war: no more horses and bayonets. The children… well the children are perhaps regretted by a few Democrats though I know of none in Congress who has gone on record with that sentiment. Yet to make an omelet (as another visionary beloved of the Left once put it) you have to break some eggs. Anyone who thinks that sucking a half-born babys brains out with a syringe adequately answers the problem" of pregnancy cannot be expected to feel great distress that an Al Qaeda lieutenants six-year-old was decapitated in the same blast that got daddy. The kid probably wouldnt have turned out very well anywaywhich is more or less the favorite ostensible reason for abortion-on-demand.
I should like to see those who style themselves conservative voice more vigorous objection to the drones sloppy assassination style (as well as to the flagrant illegality of global war by whimsy). I would strenuously suggest to them that they begin doing so. The few matters in which they find themselves agreeing with Democrats are the very matters that will rot their souls and spoil their credentials before voters who care about fundamental decency.
Likewise a few marquee talking heads" inscrutably denominated conservatives" in our popular culture have a poor track record of condemning ruthless industrial exploitation that jeopardizes human life. They most certainly do not have a monopoly on this claim to infamy however. Consider the green" industry that is supposed to be producing such antiseptic energy sources as solar panels. The cadmium alloy used in coating these panels comes from fiercely toxic minerals mined in Third World nations. (2) Cadmium invariably finds its way into local populations through such means as contaminated drinking water… and more children wither away painfully before they can reproduce. (Perhaps a syringe through the skull really isnt so inhumane after all.) National governments like Chinas that view their mass-population as a burden due to its sheer enormity are happy enough to reap the dual benefit of valuable cadmium and fewer peasant children. Chinas many admirers in the Democrat Party understand: children really can be a nuisance cant they? The Czar certainly sees no problem. Clean energy" is no less clean just because it poisons babies. Indeed the phrase efficient energy" acquires a whole new meaning in this context for those who voted for brain-sucker abortion.
For the less creative shooting remains a reliable way to thin out the child population. Democrats like to pose as protecting little tikes from firearms. Having beefed up the figures for number of children killed by guns" with gang shootings they urge the confiscation of all firearmsthis even as they promote with equal passion the opening wide of our Southern border to homicidal Mexican gangs. In fact just to make their point the Czars minions supplied some of the deadliest Mexican cartels with state-of-the-art assault weapons in Operation Fast and Furious a brilliant plan directly connected with the murder of fourteen teenagers at a birthday party in one instance. (3) Again we may suppose that a few Democrat legislators regret the collateral damage… but the resulting omelet will be well worth the egg shells. As long as children of the future never touch or even see a gun the slaughter of todays children is all in a good cause. The more who die now the greater will be the impetus for change".
Of course statistics do not exist for the number of children saved from break-in abductions midnight rapes or birthday-party massacres that might have happened if not deterred by private ownership of guns. We cannot know how many of societys lowest scum daily abstain from kicking in suburban windows because they fear drawing instant fire from within. The Mexican government is altogether too stupid collectively to imagine that lives may be thus saved and continues to push paternalistically for universal confiscation of firearms everywhere. As for Amerikan Democrats they really dont give a damn one way or the other. The important thing is that people brighter than we should control our future. That control may include moments when a future Czar may actually arm our children against us as well as other moments when He may think it wise to gun down every other child for population control. It isnt really the shooting that should disturb us: its the unauthorized shooting by people who do not understand the broader plan. Just like a syringe a gun can be an instrument of social progress in the proper hands.
Democrats tell us that those of our persuasion might as well be killing children when we seek to cut them off from the funds necessary to educate them. Same old palaver. In fact the Democrat Party is always aggressively opposed to home-school and school-voucher initiatives that demonstrably improve learning occur in more secure environments and cost far less in comparison to public education. The Democrat objective here is no more to equip young minds for living than it is to make children safe through a gun-confiscation crusade. Quality of education is secondary or tertiary… or centenary. The important thing is to empower teachers unions which advance in numerous ways (including by their mere existence) the strangulation of the private sector. The same mentality that sees the free markets disappearance as the fulfillment of a utopian dreamthe Democrat mentality that ismust also see and for the same reason the vanishing of parental rights as progress. Children will eventually not only be programmed as best benefits the states purposes but also created in whatever volume and to whatever specifications (X males X females X dumb workers X rocket scientists) best support those purposes. Children are tiny cogs in the great Machine. They are not ends in themselvesonly the State is thatbut rather even more disposably instrumental than grown-ups since they can be so easily re-programmed in the early stages and even terminated in the very early stages.
A pattern emerges. Democrats profess concern over children only to beguile the gullible for the interests of the child must always be subordinated to the fantasies of the Democrat ideological base: sexual adventurism without cost assassination of inconvenient elements promotion of inhumanly green" initiatives confiscation of all means of self-defense subjugation of intelligence to the Czars will… the child only comes first in Democrat rhetoric. The very habits of the Democrat elite in their private lives evince their true unconcern for children. Homosexual arrangements are extolled and heterosexual ones elaborately engineered to avoid pregnancy. The very notion that such people care about children is an indigestibly insipid lie. The Democrat Party in this as in so much else is a party of frauds charlatans cheats sophistical manipulators and self-obsessed egotists.
Republicans claim that they must work with this human detritus in order to garner some of the Hispanic vote. My advice: call the Democrat Party by its proper namea party of child-murderersand you will draw more Hispanic votes than you know how to count. Even illegal border-jumpers from Mexico usually have strong family ties. Mexicans tend to love their mothers admire their fathers and respect the rights of the unborn (those of them that is who havent had the humanity drilled out of them by gang activity). They are very unlikely to become the perennial constituency of the Child Murder Party.
Use that name on every occasion like Catos Karthago delenda est. Make it stick. Keep reminding. The syringe through the skull is real and Barack Obama voted for it. The dead bodies of children around terrorist targets are real and Barack Obama ordered their slaughter. The Czars energy initiatives are built upon small bodies behind the scenes. Obama and Holder thought nothing of jeopardizing childrens lives in Mexico when they cynically pumped thousands of deadly weapons into that nation. Democrat legislators from the top down want children condemned without reprieve to the incompetent instruction of teachers" immune to demotion or dismissal. This is what the Democrat Party thinks of your children my children Mexican children Chinese children… all children. They have more love frankly for their pet dogs and cats.
We should know by now that theyre liars. It is time now to name them complicit in child-murder. And Republicans who take their side must wear the same label.
(1) See for example CNN Wire Staff Drone strikes kill maim and traumatize too many civilians U.S. study says" 25 Sept. 2012
(2) Cf. Jonathan Watts Chinas cancer villages reveal dark side of economic boom" The Guardian 6 June 2010
(3) Associated Press and Daily Mail Reporter Operation Fast and Furious guns used in 2010 massacre of 16 peopleincluding 14 teens" Mail Online 1 Oct. 2012