Analyst and journalist Juan William who was employed with the National Public Radio (NPR) and was fired without a hearing or a dialog after ten years of service because he exercised his Constitutional First Amendment Rights as an American citizen and as a member of a press.
Sometimes all we need is a good cold slap of reality to bring us out of this smoke in mirrors state of self inflicted hypnosis which is yielding freely to the puppet master of deceit intimidations and limitations. This administration has committed so many acts of incompetence misconception and constitutional larceny which it can only be justified and calculated by a group of comedians that need new routines for their shows. These comedies of excruciating errors are adversely effecting us all by regressing us backwards into the unbelievable George Orwell novel of 1984". We as American thought these fictional characteristics and events of this written masterpiece was produced by an over exaggerated over zealous imagination that could never happen to us especially with our guaranteed God given inalienable rights documented by our United States Constitution. Low and behold big brother has arrived and he is living in your neighborhood.
The government bail outs the inept incompetence of this Administration and their lack of American values constantly blaming George Bush for their own bungling the clueless handling of the oil spill in our Gulf Coast high unemployment high taxes and our currency decreasing and losing its value throughout the world bothers me so much that no words can express my outrage but theres something more important than financial and monetary depletion which is the aggressive limitations of our freedoms and liberties compounded with an imposed fabricated evil called political correctness". These economic superficial grievances can always be corrected as long as we dont stand idly allowing these extreme far left fanatics lead by our President Barack Hussein Obama The Chosen One" together with all his Socialist Marxist scoundrels. They are secretly and maliciously placing borders boundaries limits and restrictions on all aspects of our way of life including the most importantly our freedom of speech.
If speech is adamantly restricted then all these problems of extreme magnitude are meaningless and will remain etched in stone. So it is written so it will be done and we cant do anything about it. Theres no honor and compromise for a civilization living in tyranny.
This is quit obvious that our President Barack Hussein Obama The Chosen One" the ultra Progressive Socialist Marxist Liberals dont enjoy any disparagements from anyone relating to their inabilities. They made numerous attempts to take over the internet which is the most essential modern forms of communications opened to everyone. It has unlimited capabilities of projecting a wide variety of information with a touch of a button. This tool used correctly with no limitations except for harmful malicious intent and personal security can be a very effective tool in revealing the devious unprincipled corrupt dishonest perpetrators in all sectors public and private. This is why the Socialist Marxist Liberal Democrats are attempting to manipulate this form of freedom of the speech.
Senator Jay Rockefeller a West Virginia Democrat attempted to use back door politics which would reduce this unique power of communication with a so-called justified government takeover by proposing his Senate Bill (S.773). This would unilaterally hand over to the White House total supremacy to disconnect private-sector computers from the Internet. If this was enacted and illegally pushed through the Congress such as the Obama Healthcare Bill our voices would be stymied manipulated and controlled our hands tied leaving us defenseless at the mercy of this ruthless Administration. If you are critical and cynical questioning their actions then lights out no internet for you.
We stuck together protested and had an unusual ally join in our fight the ACLU. We stumped the bill for now but it still didnt stop him from trying to pursuing his unpopular unconstitutional demand.
He relentlessly continues to attack all aspects of the internet trying to force his pre-historic totalitarianism rhetoric on us all with or without do process.
Now you have Socialist Senator Patriot Leahy from Vermont disguising his" E-mail Protection Bill" as securing privacy while defending our freedom of speech. This will have obvious reverse deceitful implications of increasing Big Brother" justified paranoia directly affecting to silence the masses.
The future holds much of the same especially with the omission of our checks and balance when we gave all our governmental appeals and law creating powers to an incompetent self serving political party striving to forcibly take legal or not more authority over our lives. The internet is our last refuge and resource of uncensored information. They will use whatever means possible to ruin this instrument through manipulation and deceit.
How many times did the main stream media on all networks attempted to stymie or twist certain significant bits of information to protect their interest? Then while surfing on the free internet discovered relevant facts to the contrary. Competition especially in the communications field of endeavor must be upheld. Naturally all information in any capacity must never be taken for granted or as gospel truth but it opens up alternatives for all to voice and state their opinions views recommendations and potential warnings. The pluses on the internet totally outweigh the negatives.
The individuals that are advocates of internet control justifies their stance by stressing that it opens a wide world of hazards and misinformation while leaving an unsecured door open to the deviant intruders. How is this any different from social misfits on the television radio and reporters writing for a newspaper such as the New York Times who had discrepancies hurtful remarks mistruths and falsifications in their past on reporting the news dont forget this also extended to CBC NBC and ABC (the big three) news networks. Their cable offsprings are just another extended shill for the Socialist Marxist Democrats and their leader including our President Barack Hussein Obama The Chosen One.
Another perfect example is Analyst and Journalist Juan William who was employed with the National Public Radio (NPR) and was fired without a hearing or a dialog after ten years of service because he exercised his Constitutional First Amendment Rights as an American citizen and as a member of a press.
His illegal firing was decided by (NPR) right after he made these comments on the The OReilly Factor". Williams said I mean look Bill Im not a bigot. You know the kind of books Ive written about the civil rights movement in this country But when I get on a plane I got to tell you if I see people who are in Muslim garb and I think you know theyre identifying themselves first and foremost as Muslims I get worried. I get nervous He made a reference to the remarks made by Times Square bomber Faisal Shahzad warning Americans that the fight is coming to the U.S. Shahzah said the war with Muslims Americas war is just beginning.
The National Public Radio who mirrors the same image as the politically correct advocates of modern day American sellouts and traitors allies to the Socialist Marxist Democratic Party are remarkably being subsideised by the Federal government our tax dollars. Shouldnt they proform their rightful task of reporting the truth and advocating freedom of speech and the press instead of bias liberal selection? Shouldnt they follow and respect the United States Constitution. Why are we being forced to contribute to another shill for the Progressives.
They immediately took sides with the Muslin organization called CAIR which is a Muslin Civil Rights Organization. This even surpasses the firing of Don Imus In the Morning" after he made a comment about the Rutgers s women Basketball team. The network caved in to Reverend Al Sharpton and the NAACP. This can not be tolerated. We must protect our freedoms of speech and the press.
The so-called resignation of Glenn Becks from FOX that unjustifiably silenced his criticizing President Barack Hussein Obama The Chosen One". Judge Napolitano lost his show right after Beck on that same network without warning and immediate because he supported Libertarian Ron Paul or was it his friendship with Beck sharing their same ideologies?
Freedom of speech is for all Americans and not for just a chosen few that are approved by any group especially the Socialist Marxists Democratic Party and all self serving demigods from half baked racially motivated prejudicially illogical organizations who want us all to submit to their beliefs philosophy and principles. Their traditional tactics are to inflict and impose threats intimations and fear on spineless cowards who always buckle under to their sick irrational illegitimate demands selling their souls to the devil.
This warning has been issued in the past and must be reiterated in the present and future dont be fooled or remain complacent it is quit evident they are relentless and will not cease their vicious attacks until we are all silent and submit to their will.
Their goal is too simply to silence the masses? They already own body and soul the main stream liberal media.
Whats next? Will they take you out of your home in the dead of night without do legal process eliminating you from the face of the earth never to be heard from again? Remember history does repeat itself and it has no compassion for the naive or foolish.