Signs Emerge Around Arizona Quoting Ruben Gallego's Offensive, Profanity-Laden Statements to Voters

The Arizona landscape is becoming dotted with black and yellow signs featuring offensive statements made by Representative Ruben Gallego (D-AZ-03). Gallego, who has a history of making crude remarks to constituents and political opponents, is running for U.S. Senate against Republican Kari Lake.

Lake posted a photo on X Sunday of a sign by the side of the road that said, “Gallego forced COVID-19 shots,” quoting him saying, “Suck it up, deal with it.”

Gallego posted the remark on X in response to a Marine who objected to being required to get the jab. He also said to the soldier in the now-deleted post, “Shut the f*** up.”

Gallego, a strong proponent of the COVID-19 vaccine, introduced a bill in October 2021 to permit insurance companies to hike insurance premiums up to 50 percent for policyholders who “elected not to receive the COVID-19 vaccine.” He also pushed to fine businesses that opposed mask mandates.

In 2022, he said, “Our kids are going to be [vaccinated].” He praised Democrats for handling COVID-19 and said they needed to “take a victory lap.” In October 2021, he urged Latinos to get the vaccine and called for more vaccination events.

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