The left should not be allowed to dominate the dialogue after these tragic events with a red herring argument for gun control in order to sneakily distract Americans from blaming them for what they have wrought.
It should come as no surprise that the rate of mass shootings at schools and in other public places is increasing. The surge has nothing to do with guns which have been widely available in the U.S. for years. Gun control laws have been increasing. Instead there is a direct correlation between the increase in violence and the gradual degradation of morals ethics and parenting. We are cultivating mental illness in our society.
Parents are allowing television and video games toincreasingly babysit their children even though both have become full of gratuitous violence. A New York Times studyof rampage killers found that six of them were into violent video games. Research shows that violent video games and television desensitize people and promote aggressive behavior despite claims to the contrary. A research scientist at the University of Michigan found that television was responsible for 10 of youth violence. Parents today are neglecting their children and when things dont go well rushing to get divorced instead of trying to work things out first. Children suffer emotionally when their parents fight or split up. Parents are ignoring their children so much they dont even see the warning signs that something might be wrong. The New York Times study found that 63 of 100 rampage killers had made threats of violence before the event.
Parents are no longer taking their children to church where they would learn stability and morals. Fewer than 20 of Americans now regularly attend church. Every year there are 3000 fewer churches across the U.S even though the population is growing. God and morality have been taken out of the public schools and replaced with political correctness and non-judgmentalism. Public virtues" are no longer taught in todays schools. People who do not attend church are more likely than churchgoers to have stress and to be less optimistic about the future. When parents split up and there is no father to take the children regularly to church the children are much less likely to become regular churchgoers than if their mother regularly takes them.