A few Republicans claiming to be the true conservatives will attack GOP candidates over the 1 of issues they disagree upon or reasons other than principles causing them to lose races and allowing the Democrats to win.
Every Republican knows another Republican who agrees with them on 99 of the issues yet will attack them relentlessly over the 1 of issues they disagree upon. Instead of uniting against the left these busybodies waste countless hours criticizing other Republicans. They will frequently do it under the ruse of being the true conservatives" claiming that anyone who does not agree with them is not conservative enough. Yet the 1 of issues they disagree with others on are often arbitrarily decided and not legitimate issues. Mitt Romney was criticized for being too moderate of a Republican presidential candidate yet he ran the most conservative campaign as the Republican nominee for president we have seen since Ronald Reagan.
These true conservatives" will tear apart other conservatives not on the issues but on personality and connections. In Arizona anyone who is perceived to get along with moderate Republican Senator John McCain and his ardent supporters is attacked for being a moderate themselves. McCain bullies his way around politics and most Republicans are afraid of him and his supporters only seeking his endorsement to stay out of his crosshairs.
Sadly this infighting results in Republicans losing races they should not have. Vernon Parker a black Republican and former Mayor of Paradise Valley in Arizona ran for Congress in Arizonas new Congressional district nine last year against Democrat Kyrsten Sinema a self-avowed bisexual who once received the Arizona Federation of Taxpayers Vladimir I. Lenin award for being the most far left member of the Arizona State Legislature. Several relatively unknown Republicans ran against Parker in the primary claiming to be more conservative than him.