Obamas Divide the GOP and Conquer Strategy

 width=150Why not turn the tables on the Democrats and use their own emotional rhetoric against them? If deep spending cuts arent made we wont be able to pay teachers and law enforcement.

Obama has figured out how to force his left wing agenda through even though he was reelected with a divided country. He cherry picks issues which divide the Republican Party. The Republican Party ends up fighting within itself diverting the publics attention to its chaos rather than Obamas agenda. The Republican Party is left looking unprincipled confused and hypocritical.

Look at the most recent high-profile political battles. With the help of the complicit liberal media Obama made extending the payroll tax cut to avoid the fiscal cliff" one of the biggest issues. It is not a clear-cut Republican versus Democrat issue because while Republicans are generally in favor of lower taxes government spending is out of control. Every time the extension has come up for a vote Republicans are split. If they vote to extend it they look fiscally irresponsible. If they vote to end it they look like they support a tax increase. Either way they will be skewered by both the left and the right for deserting their principles and Obama skates away free to pursue his agenda with little scrutiny. The Democrats escape scrutiny on the payroll tax cut extension votes because they dont claim to be the party of fiscal responsibility or friend of the taxpayers. They merely claim to stand for murky concepts like caring about Americans."


The latest issue Obama is dividing Republicans over is raising the debt ceiling. Naturally Republicans oppose increasing it while Democrats support an increase in order to support their ever-ballooning social programs. However Obama and the Democrats in Congress have figured out how to convolute the issue in order to divide Republicans. Compounding that the liberal news media spins its coverage so that the average American does not fully understand the dynamics.

Read the rest of the article at Townhall

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