Its been a week since the election and I am still shell-shocked. Alas I bought into the hyperbole that Dick Morris and other right-leaning pundits were spewing namely that Romney was going to win if not convincingly then at least comfortably.
In retrospect that faulty prognosis was predicated on three premises: the massive 2008 turnout by Obamas legions (blacks Hispanics single women young voters) would not be repeated; America was fed up with Obamas Keynesian economic policies that had resulted in the weakest economic recovery in 75 years; and conservatives and independents were so energized that their support would more than compensate for Obamas legions. The first premise was certainly false. The second even if true discounted the fact that Obamas legions didnt care. And while there was some truth to the third the groundswell was confined to a demographic that we now recognize is rapidly being eclipsed by its complement.