Not a single member of congress had the decency or backbone to stand up and object at that critical moment in history when congress had the chance to stop it all and hold those responsible accountable.
The American people do not vote for presidential and vice presidential candidates they vote for electors who in turn cast their vote for president and vice president. Electors are sworn to cast a vote only for eligible" candidates and to certify that all candidates on the ballot are eligible for office and have been duly elected before casting their ballot before congress.
Twice now in 2008 and 2012 Electors failed in their sworn duty certifying and casting their ballot for Barack Hussein Obama despite knowledge that Obama is not constitutionally eligible for the office of president and that he had won both elections through historic fraudulent efforts.
The law requires that the Electoral College certify the ballot and present its vote to congress for certification on the 6th of January following each presidential election. Because the 6th was a Sunday this year members of congress bumped the congressional certification to Friday the 4th without fanfare last Friday.
Earlier last week The North American Law Center delivered notice to all members of congress advising them not to become complicit in the fraud by certifying the fraud on Friday. Members of congress ignored that notice and Friday afternoon the Electoral College and all members of congress affirmed the re-election of Barack Hussein Obama for a second term each of them becoming complicit with malice aforethought in the greatest fraud ever perpetrated on the American people.
The question is now what will the American people do about it?
Under 3 USC § 15 - Counting electoral votes in Congress objection from only one (1) member from each chamber of congress was enough to stop congressional certification of the 2012 election returning the matter to both chambers for consideration at which point congress could have opened an investigation into the massive evidence of election fraud.
Sadly not a single elector or member of congress objected not even one.
House members like Tea Party darling Rep. Michelle Bachmann could have been the one House member to stop the 2012 fraud. Or it could have been another Tea Party Caucus member or maybe all of them.
One member of the US Senate Senator Rand Paul king of the data-mining petition industry and beloved son of Mr. Constitution" Ron Paul or maybe Tea Party favorite Sen. Marco Rubio could have taken a stand with American citizens and objected. No not even a single member of the so-called Tea Party Caucus objected…
Republicans control the House and they could have stopped the most fraudulent election in US history without a single Democrat member. But in the end not a single elector or member of congress had the decency or backbone to stop the Marxist theft of America despite a mountain of evidence right under their noses and prior notice from The North American Law Center.
So now what?
The last act of the 112th congress was to roll over and play dead as Obama raised taxes without trimming any spending throwing the nation off the fiscal cliff with trillions in new deficit spending and taxes. The first act of the new 113th congress was to confirm the fraudulent re-election of Barack Hussein Obama without objection.
Members of congress are clearly not worried about any fiscal cliff but rather the political cliff they were all teetering on as millions of Obamas federal dependents awaited congressional approval to keep the gravy train rolling. The fiscal cliff is unsustainable federal spending and skyrocketing debt. What Obama and congress did shoves the nation off the fiscal cliff.
But even more troubling is the fact that not a single member of congress had the decency or backbone to stand up and object at that critical moment in history when congress had the chance to stop it all and hold those responsible accountable.
The ongoing gutless and anti-American acts of our illustrious public servants explains the mega boom in gun and ammo sales which brings us to the second act of the new 113th congress a massive gun and ammo grab.
Despite FBI reports showing a steady drop in gun related crime each year as gun and ammo sales set new records and further FBI stats showing that only 4 of all gun related homicides are connected to assault rifles" the gun grabbers want these types of weapons only in their own hands understandably so as they become ever more corrupt and tyrannical. In fact twice as many Americans die from a fist fight each year than from assault rifles.
Gun violence ranks #15 on the CDC list of causes of death and most of those are not related to assault weapons. They are however related to inner city crime most of it in Democrat voting districts and most of that black on black crime. And we all know that guns are NOT the cause of the Sandy Hook catastrophe. Yet it is not these folks they seek to disarm. This is Obamas civilian army."
So what are the American people to do about the theft of their nation and the coming assault on citizens Second Amendment rights among others?
In my personal opinion every member of the federal government has well-earned a public lynching for multiple criminal acts of high treason. But before we lock-n-load and begin any violent act to regain control of our runaway government it is our duty as American citizens to exhaust every possible peaceful means to a solution as provided by our Charters of Freedom.
Clearly our Executive Branch thinks they are a dictatorship. Our Legislative Branch is operating as nothing more than a rubber stamp for the Executive Branch and the courts may be the most corrupt branch of our Federal Government acting only as an enforcer for a corrupt and tyrannical regime.
While it is clear that a major housecleaning should include every elected official in Washington D.C. today I personally believe that our Founders frame work for self-governance their Constitutional Representative Republic is worth saving if possible.
Organizations like The North American Law Center are established for the sole purpose of representing American citizens in broad legal battles necessary to protecting and preserving all of our God given and constitutionally protected rights. Among those right are a right to free fair and honest elections and the Second Amendment. Without these two rights fully secured we have no other rights.
The Law Center is calling for donors volunteers and witnesses for scheduled actions. If all Americans join forces they can regain control of their country. Until then nobody can do anything about what is happening to the greatest nation ever known to mankind.