John McCains Racist" Joke that Wasnt

width=150McCain referenced Irans recent successful launch of a monkey into space and tweeted So Ahmadinejad wants to be the 1st Iranian in space Wasnt he just there last week?"

Being a conservative just aint what it used to be. Senator John McCain (R-AZ) was recently accused of tweeting a racist" joke by another Republican.

The issue arose when McCain responding to Iranian leader Mahmoud Ahmadinejads remark that hed like to be sent into space (not I assume by an Israeli nuke) referenced Irans recent successful launch of a monkey into space and tweeted So Ahmadinejad wants to be the 1st Iranian in space Wasnt he just there last week?"

Now I do think McCain owes an apology. After all the brave simianaut" that risked his life to push back the frontiers of Persian science to 1949 Western heights should not have his reputation besmirched. Yet GOP congressman Justin Amash had a different take. Writes

Second-term Rep. Justin Amash R-Mich. a second generation Palestinian-American was not laughing.

Maybe U should wisen up & not make racist jokes" he admonished McCain also on Twitter.

Okay now first let me say Amash dude I like so totally just dont like respect someone who writes you" as U" in any context. I mean arent you like in Congress dude? Also note that wisen" isnt a word; perhaps Amash is thinking of wizen" which means to wither" as in Our educational system has withered." I also have to ask: does Amash even understand what McCains joke references? I note that the congressdude is the sixth-youngest member of his august body and I have to wonder if his knowledge of current events and history match his writing style. Does he even know that Iran just sent a monkey up 79 miles in a rocket? Is he aware that man has a long history of sending monkeys into space (and it seems a more recent history of sending them to Congress)?

Whatever the case Amashs reaction reminds me of a scene from the old Get Smart. In it CONTROL agent Maxwell Smart is sent to an agency psychiatrist for an evaluation. The shrink heavy German accent and all (since half my heritage is German should I complain of stereotyping?) gives the bumbling g-man a Rorschach test; Smart then proceeds to interpret every nondescript inkblot as people or animals having sex. When the surprised psychiatrist exclaims Mr. Shmaht you zeem to be obzessed vith zex!" Smart defensively replies Well youre the one showing me the dirty pictures!"

Amashs problem isnt McCains joke its his own dirty mind. Its common to mock leaders by making unflattering comparisons to animals monkeys in particular. Why the left consistently and unashamedly portrayed George W. Bush as a monkey and no one accused them of bigotry. Thus the fact that Amash would extrapolate McCains comment to all Persians says more about him than it does about the senator.

We also have to wonder what race" McCains joke would be targeting. Persians are Caucasoid just like Senator McCain. But I doubt Amash knows this and its likely he is conflating ethnicity or even religious affiliation with race as is common among the brainwashed young. But a quick lesson congressman: Muslim" isnt a race racism" isnt synonymous with bigotry" and feelings arent facts. And a bit of advice too:

Dont be a donkey. There are already too many of them taking up space in government and blasting us into the idiotsphere.  

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