John Eastman and Other Top Attorneys Speak at ‘Get Trump’ Virtual Conference on Lawfare

The Arizona civic organization Davos in the Desert hosted a virtual “Get Trump” lawfare conference all day Tuesday. The conference featured numerous top legal experts, including Trump’s former attorney and constitutional legal scholar John Eastman. It covered the criminal prosecutions, the high-profile civil lawsuits, the two impeachment trials, and lawfare against conservative attorneys.

Eastman, who is being prosecuted in Georgia and Arizona for his work advising and representing Trump on the 2020 election corruption and fighting disbarment in California, discussed the evidence he saw that convinced him there was wrongdoing in the election.

He cited “Zuckerbucks” — enormous contributions from third-party donors like Meta/Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg and his wife Priscilla Chan to largely Democratic election officials. He said these were independent expenditures, illegally donated to election offices in heavily Democratic areas to get out the vote, and funneled through nonprofits. Eastman said multiple laws were violated. He pointed out that the problem is not only the Left targeting conservative attorneys but an “utter failure” to hold people on the Left accountable who clearly “committed crimes.”

Eastman said the Biden administration used an old “mob intimidation statute” that comes with 20 years in prison to coerce the January 6 protesters into taking plea deals for lesser crimes. 18 U.S.C. § 1512(c)(2) prohibits obstruction of an official proceeding of Congress. Eastman said that the law was expanded after the Enron case to include document destruction. The law’s applicability to the January 6 defendants has been challenged, with the Supreme Court expected to issue a ruling shortly.

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