Jeff Zuckers Revenge and the CNN whistleblower

ImageImage You want to know why you have REAL alternative media outlets and I am not talking about The Village Voice and for the most part these free rags that report" news but in reality are further to the left than the majors players...NO! I am talking about the likes of National Review Rush Limbaugh Mark Levin Daily Caller Daily Wire The Blaze Media Research Center (especially Newsbusters) Washington Times Washington Free Beacon to name a few. All these media outlets and/or personalities have a worldview that supports the foundations of America and supports the founders of America and their vision and principles. There is another media organization that came into existence in 2010 that is also of importance. It is not another typical conservative leaning news outlet or one that is balanced and allows for voices that are NOT Democrat Progressives (like Fox News and sister Fox Business) but rather it takes a leap of faith and tries to go inside the inner circles of these groups who actually threaten peoples liberties and freedoms regardless if they are part of major media education etc. That group is Project Veritas and just recently they have exposed Jeff Zucker and his pulling of the strings of those who work for him at CNN. Project Veritas as of this writing is releasing a series of videos that expose the inner workings at not only CNN but Jeff Zuckers DIRECT attempt to destroy President Donald Trump. Why? The first answer is; Zucker is a Democrat but if you dig deeper you shall see that that their is more to it than Trump defeating Hillary but maybe a possible grudge between Zucker and Trump going back to the days of NBC in the 2000s. Flashback to 1986 Zucker was hired by NBC to do research for the upcoming Summer Olympic Games in Seoul South Korea which they had the rights to carry (ABC would do one more Winter Olympics in 1988 and CBS would do two years of Winter Olympics before NBC itself and its sister outlets became the sole Olympic outlets). Zucker begin the move up the food chain by becoming a field producer for Today later promoted to Executive Producer in 1992. Under Zuckers management he introduced the outdoor popular music concerts in Rockefeller Plaza coupled with its Studio 1A set to allow the deplorables...I mean fans of the Today show to look inside...if they can. In the year 2000 Zucker became President of NBC Entertainment and this is when he would come across Donald Trump and signing him to be the host of The Appearance (created by reality TV innovator and media businessman Mark Burnett) and making the words Youre Fired" a popular catch phrase if not more so. During his time overseeing the Entertainment division he also became president of NBCs Entertainment News & Cable Group. Zucker kept moving up the chain eventually becoming CEO and President of NBC Universal. After NBCU acquired Comcast Zucker left the company. Zucker did have a brief stint with Walt Disney producing Katie Courics failed daytime talk program but he wanted to a big cheese in a media conglomerate once more so in 2013 Zucker was hired as president of CNN Worldwide a position that he continues to hold to the present day along overseeing CNN and its sister channels as part of WarnerMedia which is now owned by AT&T. He knows the players and how the media thinks and operates and now is using this power to shape not only our media but help social engineer America into the image that he and his like minded friends and allies believe in. The major news media for years has been in favor of the Democratic Party and its principles (even if they are bad ones) and yes their is a bias in many newsrooms especially on both coasts. Even in the grand days of Edward R. Murrow and Walter Cronkite both of whom were bad in their own ways. Murrow defending those many people who were truly communists and were among those who would try to bury" America; to Cronkite actually trying to help the Vietcong win and allowing Marxist Communist statists to take control of Vietnam. Sadly our media is enamored with the worldview of Karl Marx and his promises of a better world in this life. Still their were people working in news that still believed in being objective at least. However people like Zucker who likely believe in the ideal of never ending and/or permanent revolution" have used their power and positions to boldly take the press (if not the marco media in general) where they likely have not gone before...and yes I am paraphrasing Star Trek here. But their are still those in the 21st century who actually believe in the old school ways of the press...if any and we shall take them if they can actually expose the actions of the likes of Zucker and help advance liberty and freedom. Cary Poarch is one of those sincere honest centrists/moderates who did work at CNN as an uplink satellite technician. Yet Poarch just did not feel comfortable working their with its passionate Destroy Trump" agenda which Zucker himself leading the charge. Poarch decided to wear a hidden camera and gather enough information and comments from his colleagues at CNN to compile enough damning evidence about what goes on behind the curtain as much as he could. He took all of the video he produced to Project Veritas who encourages the likes of Poarch to wire themselves and expose any corruption within any organization who has the power to socially engineer and socially control us and the press at large is a private group of people in bed with government especially the Democratic Party with those very goals. Now I can say that Poarch beyond reasonable doubt is a Whistlerblower who I have great respect for rather than these shadow Democrats that are being used to destroy President Trump. As far as I am concerned I felt that CNN in recent years is going the same route as Zuckers former stomping grounds at NBC News...especially MSNBC but with one important difference. While MSNBC admits to being progressive and supportive of the Democratic Party CNN still claims to report the Facts First" and The Most Trusted Name in News" and hands down objective. That my friends is a bold face lie (especially with prime time gauntlet of Cooper Cuomo and Lemon) and because they are the head of the Destroy Trump Media" they are likely to get away with it. I do wonder however if Zucker has more of an ax to grind with Trump other than denying Hillary Clinton her Crown." Either that or if Zucker feels the pain of his fellow colleague Wild E. Coyote...and I do MEAN Wild E. Coyote.  You know that CNN is part of the WarnerMedia (just in case you forgot) who not only pays Zucker but owns Mr. Coyote and his forever dream meal named Road Runner. We need more people like Poarch to speak up against those who would steal peoples liberties and freedom while they take on more power and we need more groups like Project Veritas who will step up and take more whisleblowers under their wings to help defend America and its founding principles. Jeff Zucker in my book is another left wing radical likely taking notes from Saul Alinksys Rules for Radicals" and his predecessors in their continuation of the never ending permanent revolution in which tyrannical leaders try to shape the perfect world that Karl Marx himself advocated and envisioned and was implemented by evil men from Lenin (and his associate Trotsky) Fidel Castro (and his one time associate Che Guevara)...and the list goes on. Lest we forget that many in the major media admire many modern day Marxist and/or related tyrants and their tyrannical legacies. For now hats off to Cary Poarch. The man is not part of the progressive or Trump cults (although he says he voted for Trump) but a man who understands the need of an honest free and objective press to hold our government accountable regarding the protection of our freedoms and liberties as laid out by God and Americas founders. Please visit my Facebook page DNMs World in which this article was reprinted from.
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