It Most Certainly IS Constitutional To Withhold Congressional Pay

width=150Here is what is said in the Constitution verbatim about Congressional pay: The Senators and Representatives shall receive a Compensation for their Services to be ascertained by Law and paid out of the Treasury of the United States."

There are a lot of fools who fancy themselves smart.  Sometimes these fools even exist within the Conservative and Libertarian movement.  Seriously if I hear one more of these yo-yos whine about how it is unconstitutional" for Congressional pay to be withheld pending the passage of an actual budget I am going to scream.  And if I hear one more supposedly Constitutionally literate talking head on the right claim this I am going to demand that they permanently turn in their membership in the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy.

It is so utterly incompressible that people can be so dumb. To claim that withholding Congressional pay when Congress is not doing its job is impossible?  Especially when all one has to do is pull out their handy dandy pocket Constitution and turn to Article I Section 6.

Here is what is said verbatim about Congressional pay:

The Senators and Representatives shall receive a Compensation for their Services to be ascertained by Law and paid out of the Treasury of the United States."

Thats it.  It doesnt say how much they should get or how that amount is ascertained except that such pay is to be determined by law.

So if a law is passed saying that Congress gets paid $0 if they dont do their job and pass a budget then there is no Constitutional conflict.  After all $0 is an amount of compensation.

So lets stop with the lies.  Lets stick to the truth.  And lets all just be happy and do the right things.

Look if youre like me and work in the private sector and dont do your job you dont get paid.  Congress should be held to the same standards.  And it is perfectly Constitutional to hold them to said standards.

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