The Left asserts we cant do anything to stop illegal online theft. But that we can unilaterally and completely stop legal online weapons sales.
In their latest rush to further emasculate the Second Amendment many on the Left are taking aim at the Internet.
Online Gun Sales Under Scrutiny
Internet Ammunition Sales Draw Scrutiny
Of course illegal online sales should be stopped - though it isnt nearly as prevalent as the Left would have you believe.
But they are also looking to ban legal online sales:
H.R. 142 would ban Internet or mail order ammunition purchases....
The progressive state of New York just passed a ban on Internet assault weapon" sales.
Progressives act as though the move to end all online weapons transactions is just that simple - wave a gavel pass a law and its done. Just like with guns themselves - declare a gun-free school zone and all schools will be gun-free.
But they are not always such regulatory optimists.
Remember SOPA-PIPA? The Stop Online Piracy Act and the Protect Intellectual Property Act - the bills that ham-handedly sought to rein in rampant online property theft-for-profit. Stolen music and movies being sold on the Web is a billions-of-dollars-a-year problem and these vastly overreaching bills were an attempt to address it.
I was opposed to the bills - they went far too far. But I remain an ardent supporter of the premise behind them - the protection of private property.
Leftists were also opposed. Their reasoning however - when juxtaposed with their confident intent to block online weapons sales - induces whiplash.
Digital Piracy Cannot Be Stopped
Internet Pirates Will Always Win
Tribler Software Makes Internet Piracy Impossible to Stop
Blocking Pirate Websites Does Not Stop Online Piracy
But theyre at least against the thieves themselves right? Umm no.
Apple Founder Woz" Defends Megaupload
The U.S. government sees Megauploads Kim Dotcom as one of the biggest copyright criminals in history.
Many others disagree including Apple founder Steve Woz" Wozniak who visited Dotcom in New Zealand recently.
When governments dream up charges of racketeering for a typical IT guy who is just operating a file-sharing service...."
Unless of course the thieves are stealing from them.
Apple Sues Samsung for Copyright Infringements
Apple Sues Polish Grocery Chain Claims Copyright Violation
The Left asserts we cant do anything to stop illegal online theft. But that we can unilaterally and completely stop legal online weapons sales.
Because its not a technological question - its an ideological one. They bizarrely like thieves but not guns or the people who like them.
So they will claim impotence on the former. While doing whatever it takes to impinge the latter - including usurping vast new authority over the Internet.