GOP State Senator May Be Holding Up Arizona Legislature from Sending Election Integrity Measure to Ballot

The Arizona Legislature is considering sending an election integrity measure to the ballot this fall.

HCR 2056 was debated in the Senate Elections Committee last week. The bill would require voters to show photo ID when dropping ballots off. All early ballots dropped off will be tabulated at the voting location where they were submitted. Seven counties already do that. The bill also prohibits election officials from accepting funds from foreign entities to help administer an election.

The committee voted 4-3 along party lines to send it to the Senate floor for a full vote, but State Senator Ken Bennett (R-Prescott) expressed considerable skepticism during the hearing, raising concerns that he might vote with the Democrats to defeat it.

Bennett (pictured above) testified during the hearing that he had concerns about the bill’s language. “This is a work in progress,” he said. He said he wanted to ensure that the bill did not eliminate the newer massive vote centers. Election integrity proponents have been highly critical of some counties’ shift to large vote centers, citing concerns that it creates more opportunities for fraud.

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