You will always have the walking dead and mindless zombies that will vote for an openly announced Liberal Democratic Marxist Socialistic candidate even if their names were Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck. Who could blame some of them? Especially when their livelihood of full and complete government entitlements are at risk and voting against the Liberal Democratic status quo might be a hazard to ones free ride in life living off the blood sweat and tears of someone else.
It seems as though our sacred rights and freedom are sometimes taken for granted or have we become oblivious to the numbing effects of each and everyone of them slowly being diminished from our lives. Our freedoms are forever being tested by the evil carpetbaggers within our own Country and the world. History has justified our self defense and we defeated these tyrants every time we were maliciously attacked. There are always consequences when we become complacent because the price of freedom is never free or cheap.
We are presently witnessing in our present form of Socialist Marxist Liberal Democratic rule the total sellout of our elected government which is slowly strangling and absorbing our precious rights in the name of robbing Peter and giving it to Paul. This false atmosphere of hope is disgracing and destroying not our heritage but our future.
This article is not going to reiterate the continued mockery that our President Barack Hussein Obama The Chosen One" has inflicted on this great nation and its people because the evidence truly supports his absolute belief in these established principles etch in his own Wizard of OZ" ideology. His stubborn attitude of relinquishing nothing compounded with total ignorance relating to the concerns and wishes of the majority proves he is either a fool or a strong believer. He is willing to risk his Presidency for the absurd ultimate rhetoric and anti-American philosophy of re-distributing the wealth of all its citizens including all policies bills and procedures geared in creating a Socialistic/Communistic society.
Unfortunately the American electorate with help from the Republican/Conservative babies that took their bat and ball and stayed home handed him his re-election on a silver platter.
The fact most astonishing which leaves some reasonable doubt is the lack of investigation which was illogically performed on his candidacy and his re-election. This also included the sweeping effect it had with some incompetent inept Liberal Democratic candidates re-elected that were originally marked for defeat bringing them in on his coat tails. This unfortunately continued our American nightmare of dooming us all for another four years of subservient repressiveness.
Did the his speeches Hurricane Sandy the big hug given to him by New Jersey Governor Chris Christie or his shamefully owned back pocket liberal media that carved a strong hypnotic trace of regal glorification that overwhelmingly carried the King and his Court into office? Or was it the same losers running the Republican Party and Presidential campaigns of John McCains and Mitt Romney. If something is broke then fix it losers can only create losers. The Republicans need new blood and aggressive courageous brain trusts with obviously brains? Why would Romney rehire these same individuals that were clueless in managing a winning campaign?
Naturally you will always have the walking dead and mindless zombies that will vote for an openly announced Liberal Democratic Marxist Socialistic candidate even if their names were Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck. Who could blame some of them? Especially when their livelihood of full and complete government entitlements are at risk and voting against the Liberal Democratic status quo might be a hazard to ones free ride in life living off the blood sweat and tears of someone else.
This doesnt include the well deserving. The unfortunate American citizen or legal alien the illegal aliens have no rights" and definitely have no privileges that are experiencing forced hardships of finding themselves in an awkward position of being jobless with no fault of their own especially during this unstable runaway regressive economy. This must also include the disabled or a death of spouse who suddenly and without warning leaves their family behind minus a lifetime partner and much needed parent.
These individuals directly or indirectly contributed into these mandatory and compulsory government programs which were basically and originally established as Social Insurance Policies. They should absolutely positively never be undermined or unreasonably or illegitimately withheld from these legal benefits.
It boggles the mind to hear and see some so called undesignated unstable individuals interviewed whether theyre a plant or not identifying themselves as well informed potential voters in this next mid-term general election still singing praises of President Barack Hussein Obama The Chosen One" and his Socialist army.
They are so engrossed in their irrational opinions and expressions that they are still claiming that every mismanaged negligent structure we are experiencing was the fault of President George W. Bush. Yet they claim no announced dedication to any political party affiliations or are a member of any union which compounds the skepticism and increases the confusion. These questions must be asked Who are these people"? Where did these people come from?
This proves there are outside forces out there who still unquestionably believe in the Socialist Marxist Liberal Democratic ideology and philosophy which not only places Obama as the new American Mao Tse-Tung relinquishing him from any liability or responsibility memorizing and chanting his words placing him on a solid gold pedestal with the potentiality of erecting statues and dedicating his name on schools roads and buildings.
They truly believe in the Messiah complex or a twenty-first century Mosses syndrome as leaving us out of the Capitalistic desert of greed dishonesty and enslavement and into the fantasized promised land of Total Liberal Dominance" with our freedoms completely stripped with complete federal takeover of all private businesses and services destroying our unalienable rights manipulating of our health our wealth and our dignity abolishing any sacred principles relating to a government of by and for the people.
These counter productive hidden Progressives must be taken seriously and must never be disregarded. Their empty rhetoric and spin could easily sway the uninformed uneducated and the disinterested by convincing them to join their instability. They are true fanatics in every sense of the word that will swallow the Kool Aide in a moments notice if given the correct single word from their leadership be careful America they are dangerous and have no remorse or respect for life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. They believe in total control.
Fool me once shame on you Fool me twice shame on me". The shame after this past Presidential election is definitely on us.