Expert in Disbarment Trial of Trump’s Former Attorney John Eastman Contrasts ‘Unusual’ Vote Spikes for Biden in 2020 Compared to Hillary Clinton’s Election

The disbarment trial of Donald Trump’s former attorney and constitutional legal scholar, John Eastman, continued on Thursday during its eighth week, featuring testimony from statistician Dr. Stanley Young and two character witnesses. Young, who has been designated as an expert by California Bar Disciplinary Judge Yvette Roland, spent much of the time discussing the election contrast report he co-authored with a team of statistical PhDs, which focused on what he repeatedly characterized as “unusual” differences between the number of votes Joe Biden received in 2020 versus the number of votes Hillary Clinton received in 2016.

Eastman’s attorney, Randy Miller, began his line of questioning by asking Young about the report, which focused primarily on 10 states. Young observed how California stood out in comparison to the other states, with Biden receiving around 800,000 more “unexpected” votes than Clinton, taking into account the population growth. In two states that decreased in population, there were around 300,000 more unexpected votes for Biden in New York, and Illinois got 75,000, he said. In some states that had population growth, the increases were significantly higher than those increases. Arizona and North Carolina each had 80,000 unexpected votes for Biden, Texas had 200,000, and Georgia had over 200,000.

Similarly, Young went over his findings that several states had unusually sharp increases in voter registration numbers that did not match their population growth (or decrease) between 2016 and 2020. They were Arizona, North Carolina, Illinois, New Jersey, Georgia, Pennsylvania, New York, Colorado, Maryland, Massachusetts, Virginia, and Washington.

He found that states that extended their deadlines to return ballots in 2020 had corresponding huge increases in votes for Biden in 2020 when compared to Clinton’s votes in 2016. In contrast, states that didn’t extend their deadlines increased their margins for Trump in 2020 over 2016. His report stated, “ALL of the top states where Biden picked up significant votes from 2016, in some way relaxed the voting regulations from what they had done before. Conversely, Ohio, Louisiana, Alabama, and Utah required that all absentee ballots be received by the day before Election Day (November 2). Trump not only won in those four states, but he also showed an improvement over the 2016 results.”

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