Obama is issuing orders to protect himself from oversight - sounds like what Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi is doing.
These last several days - while we here were giving Thanks:
(Muslim Brotherhood) Egypt President (Mohamed) Morsi Grants Himself Far-Reaching Powers
An exhaustive Sunday morning Web search located as yet no response from the Barack Obama Administration to this troubling Morsi Fiat Fest. Why the hesitancy? Perhaps its Pot-Meet-Kettle Syndrome. Or lawyer-shark professional courtesy.
Dont Forget Obamas Imperial Fiats
President Morsi has been busy.
Egypts president on Thursday issued constitutional amendments that placed him above judicial oversight....
Morsi also decreed immunity for the Islamist-dominated panel drafting a new constitution from any possible court decisions to dissolve it a threat that had been hanging over the controversial assembly....
Sound familiar?
Obama Executive Privilege Claim Like Setting Off A Nuclear Bomb
President Barack Obama...blocked a House Republican subpoena of Justice Department deliberations over a botched gun trafficking investigation and set up a potentially explosive political confrontation just as the presidential election heats up.
House Finds Atty. Gen. Eric Holder in Contempt of Congress
The votes approved in the Republican-controlled House covered two contempt of Congress citations one as a criminal matter referring the issue to the U.S. attorneys office in Washington for prosecution the other authorizing the House to hire a special attorney to bring a civil lawsuit.
Ramifications? Nah.
Eric Holder To Stay In Obama Administration Beyond First Term
The parallels between Presidents Morsi and Obama grow.
With two branches of power (Executive and Legislative) in his hands Morsi has had repeated frictions with the third the Judiciary over recent months.
And our Pharaoh Obama?
Network Neutrality never passed Congress - the President just imposed it in December 2010. Ditto the Administrations power grab of wireless cellular phone networks.
The Administration is being sued on both of these. Having - like Morsi - usurped Legislative Branch powers it is left to the Judiciary to restore legal order.
Tech lessons not learned President Obama presses ever further forward:
Obama Signs Order Outlining Emergency Internet (and Communications) Control
A new executive order addresses how the country deals with the Internet during natural disasters and security emergencies but it also puts a lot of power in the governments hands.
Obama Cybersecurity Executive Order Nears Completion
Hows Barack the First doing nearly everywhere else? Just as terrible.
President Obama Issues Major Green Energy Executive Order
DREAM Act Stalled Obama Halts Deportations for Young Illegal Immigrants
Obama Signs Pro-Union Executive Orders
Obama Executive Order Expands Homeland Security Reach into Local Law Enforcement
And on and on and on.... This is a fairly comprehensive ongoing power grab effort by our Pharaoh Obama. We would say How very Morsi of him" - but it was our President who set the precedent for Egypts new dictator.
Morsi today usurped all state powers & appointed himself Egypts new pharaoh pro-reform leader Mohamed ElBaradei wrote on his Twitter account....
The moves...come as Morsi is riding high on lavish praise from President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton for mediating an end to eight days of fighting between Israel and Gazas Hamas rulers....
Again President Obama has not been nearly so vocal about Morsis all-encompassing power grabs.
We can clearly understand why.