The mainstream media has been glaringly silent on the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals blocking Californias ban on sexual orientation change therapy.
Its a good rule of thumb that if the mainstream media and liberal blogosphere remain silent on an otherwise newsworthy event such event doesnt bode well for them.
Thats exactly what happened just before Christmas. The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals no bastion of conservatism blocked Californias outrageous ban on sexual orientation" change therapy (SB 1172) when it granted civil-rights firm Liberty Counsels request for an injunction pending appeal in Pickup v. Brown.
Though this is by no means the last word on the matter it is nonetheless a tremendous interim victory for true freedom of choice self-determination and the mental and spiritual health of countless children who struggle with sexual confusion.
Permanently trashing this trashy law which is nothing but a cheap politically motivated attack on children families and licensed therapists is critical. SB 1172 is a thinly veiled attempt to further the radical homosexualist agenda under the cynical guise of protecting other peoples children.
To make matters worse the law is rooted in junk science. It is as federal Judge William B. Shubb noted in a previous decision based on questionable and scientifically incomplete studies that may not have included minors."
Judge Shubb was being generous in his assessment.
The critical importance of stopping SB 1172 and similar legislation springing up elsewhere becomes especially clear when one considers that such sexual confusion is frequently caused by sexual molestation at the hands of homosexual pedophiles like Jerry Sandusky (hence the moniker: Jerry Sandusky laws").
Researchers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for instance have found that gay" men are at least three times more likely to report CSA (childhood sexual abuse)."
Furthermore the Archives of Sexual Behavior determined in a 2001 study that nearly half of all gay"-identified men who participated in research were molested by a homosexual pedophile: 46 percent of homosexual men and 22 percent of homosexual women reported having been molested by a person of the same gender. This contrasts to only 7 percent of heterosexual men and 1 percent of heterosexual women reporting having been molested by a person of the same gender."
The connection between homosexual abuse and gay identity" is undeniable.
This arbitrary and capricious Sandusky law which was scheduled to take effect on Jan. 1 2013 would have banned any counseling to minors seeking to diminish or eliminate unwanted same-sex sexual attractions behaviors or identity. It would have forced counselors to violate their oath to do no harm" compelling them to advise sexually confused children to adopt a gay identity" they reject.
This is unethical immoral and frankly just plain un-American.
On Wednesday Liberty Counsel filed its Opening Brief at the 9th Circuit. When the court halted the law from going into effect it also set an expedited briefing schedule. The state of California will have to file its brief by Jan. 30. After that time Liberty Counsel will file its Reply Brief and then oral argument will be scheduled. In the meantime SB 1172 will remain blocked by the order of the court of appeals.
So the good news is that at least for now sexually confused children can continue working toward the positive change they desire.
The minors we represent have not and do not want to act on same-sex attractions nor do they want to engage in such behavior. They are greatly benefiting from counseling" Mathew D. Staver founder and chairman of Liberty Counsel told the district court during oral argument on the motion for a preliminary injunction. These minors have struggled with same-sex attraction and have been able to reduce or eliminate the stress and conflict in their lives by receiving counseling that best aligns with their religious and moral values" said Staver.
The other good news is that for those who desire it change is indeed possible. Even homosexual activists will admit as much when they think no one is watching.
Sexuality is fluid" acknowledges a GLSEN (Gay Lesbian and Straight Education Network) sponsored Prideworks" seminar for teens. It can change over time."
As devastating an admission as this is to the larger lefts discredited born that way" meme my friend and fellow pro-family advocate Linda Harvey caught both GLSEN and the radical group PLFAG (Parents Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays) making an even more shocking confession.
In a recent WND column headlined LGBT double-talk on change" Harvey wrote: From the 2008 Prideworks conference heres a section of one of the handouts still available online discussing the Klein scale of sexual attraction:
Kleins research and the experience of many people indicates that sexual identity can be fluid (at least for some people) and can change from one period of a persons life to another. A persons identity may move to a new position on the continuum; that is
a heterosexual may change to a bisexual or homosexual identity;
a bisexual may change to a homosexual or heterosexual identity;
a homosexual may change to a bisexual or heterosexual identity. (Emphasis added)
Then theres the GLSEN-backed manual Tackling Gay Issues in School in use since 1999" continued Harvey. Page 45 in a lesson plan for high schoolers and older says:
In dealing with sexuality it is important to realize that orientation behavior and identity are all separate entities and will overlap in different ways for each person. Orientation behavior and identity may also be fluid over time.
So then whats the problem with changing from homosexual to heterosexual? Doesnt sound here as though they believe its harmful at all" Harvey concluded.
Of course its not harmful; and they know it.
In fact its quite helpful perhaps even lifesaving when one considers for instance that according to the CDC one-in-five gay" identified men and adolescents in major American cities will end up infected with HIV/AIDS and millions more will also contract many other sexually transmitted diseases or suffer drug and alcohol abuse and domestic violence disproportionately associated with the gay deathstyle."
So to borrow loosely from the bag of tired leftist clichs: Homofascists keep your laws off our kids! Ex-"gays" are here theyre no longer queer get used to it!