COVID-19 thoughts Part 12: Even more money for CPB and Pseudo-government Media

Media In the recent stimulus bill $75 Million was set aside for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting which was created in the late 1960s under then President Lyndon Johnson. The CPB in part helped create the modern Public Broadcasting Service or PBS for American public television (which would succeed National Educational Television or NET) while on the radio end a separate organization was created to produce a weekday afternoon news program coupled with Senate hearings regarding the Vietnam War at the time. The news program would be called All Things Considered and the name of the new public radio organization...NPR. While claiming to be objective and fair it always leaned leftward in their programming. However there were a few bright spots for Conservatives Libertarians and Free Market types like William F. Buckley Jrs Firing Line (which moved to PBS from Commercial TV) and Louis Rukeyser who was the original host of Wall Street Week (revived by Fox Business Network and currently hosted by FBN breakfast anchor/commentator Maria Bartiromo). It was and still is a platform for the likes of the UKs BBC ITV (and its then regional broadcast licence holders) and later Channel 4 and Five to import its period dramas via for longtime PBS Member station WGBH Bostons vehicle program Masterpiece Theater and later adding crime procedurals with Mystery! Today both programs have been consolidated under the Masterpiece brand. Sunday nights in recent years have become a outlet for UK imports and not always needing WGBHs help to carry out the programming. Classic example of this is the successful period drama Call The Midwife which chronicles the lives of nurse midwives in 1950s (later 1960s) east end of London. Midwife was inspired by the namesake memoirs of Jennifer Worth and the series had a fictional version of Jennifer in the dramas first three seasons. An older version of Jennifer played by Vanessa Redgrave still narrates the series. Still the mission of American public broadcasting supposedly is to educate" and enrich" the public trust. Still it remains a thorn to most conservatives as Media Research Center (MRC) has pointed out in its stories via its website. Tim Graham a staff writer at MRC/Newsbusters points out that PBS and NPR are both outlets that gather news by and for liberals and progressives. Yamiche Alcindor who is currently darling of PBS News junkies has been critical of President Donald Trump for calling the COVID-19 virus the Kung Flu and Alcindor trying to make Kung Flu a racist slur. The list is endless of PBS and NPRs attacks on Conservatives. Just recently during this crisis PBS aired a documentary on their longtime documentary showcase vehicle program Frontline attacking the National Rifle Association (while promoting Gun Control). Meanwhile NPR had a recent soft ball interview with Hillary Clinton. NPR also did a puff piece about Barack Obamas Gettysburg Address on race. Let me also remind you that Nina Totenberg (who has worked for NPR since 1975) did what she could to bork Clarence Thomas and keep him off the Supreme Court. Totenberg is also tight with Clinton appointee Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. NPR Member station KUOW in Seattle has stated that they will not carry President Donald Trumps COVID-19 briefings in full which is just another example of how American public broadcasting truly does cater to its left wing progressive audience. All goes to show that while they do satisfy the progressives they continue to take a dump on those who do not agree with the progressive worldview. Meanwhile we just need to bend over and take it. I am not hands down anti pubic broadcasting. Speaking for myself I actually do enjoy certain elements just not the NPR News programs PBS Newshour or most of their educational" stuff. The stuff I come to public radio for is mostly the music offerings that commercial cant or wont offer in the 21st Century. For me those music formats would be Triple A (Album Adult Alternative)/Adult Rock and Jazz. Public Radio also has become a savior to Classical music as well. I am not really a fan of most contemporary pop music with some exceptions. I have not come to PBS lately although I did enjoy Sherlock and Mr. Selfridge when Masterpiece featured those shows and I did watch Call The Midwife for a few seasons but I recently lost interest...just did. For the record I never got into Downton Abbey. I agree with the likes of MRC when they constantly use other peoples money to attack the values and principles that made America truly great past and present while promoting not only a progressive worldview but actually defending certain forms of tyranny including that of Communist China. They may constantly hide behind the iconic Sesame Street to justify access to the government cheese but Sesame Workshop is getting the much needed financial help from WarnerMedia (parent company of HBO) to keep their expensive flagship going and to keep it fresh. Big Bird is really pampered and so is that green grouch who prefers a grungy lifestyle...long before grunge was hip. I dont think public TV and radio need to make calls for action" in order to get revenue.  What that means in media speak is telling people to buy a product or service in commercial advertising. By law public media can do product placement where the business is located and tell the audience that they support public media but they cant tell you to buy.  They do need to get off government plantation and be truly self sustaining however. Otherwise prepare for constant pushback from conservatives who are still forced through taxes to fund the worldview that is trying to destroy them. After all we do hold stock" in public media and that only gives us a right to speak out about how PBS and NPR is anti-American and pro-Marxist in our books. Please visit my Facebook page DNMs World in which this article was first published.
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