Only sixteen Republicans voted against the latest CR. Most of them come from the libertarian or Tea Party wings of the Republican Party. Yet are they any more principled than the conservatives in the party who voted for the latest CR?
As Congress fails year after year to agree upon an annual budget the government is kept limping along through temporary Continuing Resolutions (CRs). The budget is supposed to be adopted each year by October 1st the beginning of the fiscal year. Instead Congress has been passing multiple stopgap funding measures each year. Under Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid Democrats have not passed an annual budget since April 29 2009. The CR was approved by a vote of 267 to 151 with most Republicans voting in favor and most Democrats opposed. Democrats voted against it because it included deep spending cuts and freezes.
On March 6th 2012 only sixteen Republicans voted against the latest CR. Erick Erickson of Red State refers to the bulk of them as the Conservative Fight Club." Most of them come from the libertarian or Tea Party wings of the Republican Party.
Yet are they any more principled than the conservatives in the party who voted for the latest CR? Conservative stalwarts like Rep. David Schweikert (R-Ariz.) Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) and Steve King (R-Iowa) all voted for it.
Read the rest of the article at Selous Foundation for Public Policy Research