This agenda has nothing to do with tolerance. It is only about dominance in-your-face pressure and tactics to force people and pro-family institutions to accept their lifestyle as normal and preferred.
A national uproar apparently caused the executive board of the Boy Scouts of America to postpone until May a vote on whether to allow homosexual Scouts and Scoutmasters among their ranks.
After more than 100 years as a private organization with the highest of moral standards top scouting officials had initially floated the idea of rescinding the prohibition on homosexual members and leaders after reaffirming their policy last summer.
This reaffirmation followed just four years after the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the right of the Scouts to set their own membership policy in regards to homosexuals in the 2008 case Boy Scouts of America v. Dale.
Rather than resolving to uphold the Scout Law which says that Scouts are to keep themselves morally straight some members of the executive board began a covert campaign to change the policy. Two members of the executive board in particular were instrumental in pressuring their fellow board members to reconsider the ban.
Reportedly the strongest advocates for changing the common-sense policy were board members Randall Stephenson CEO of AT&T and Jim Turley CEO of Ernst & Young Pro-family groups have called for their resignation from scouting as well they should.
If the BSA were to lift the ban on homosexuality whether across the board for all Scouts or as an option for local councils such change would ruin the Scouts and betray millions who have participated in the organization since its founding in 1908.
Such a policy change would violate the moral values inherent in the Scout Law and Oath and it would be a slap in the face to the churches religious organizations and local volunteers who sponsor and fund the vast majority of Scout troops.
And changing the policy to allow local councils to determine whether to allow homosexuals would not end this battle.
The Human Rights Campaign a Washington D.C. lesbian gay bisexual and transgender lobbying group said such a change is not good enough.
The HRC will continue to pressure corporations to stop funding the Scouts until homosexuality is fully embraced by the organization.
Shame on the HRC to pressure the Scouts to embrace a lifestyle that many Americans believe is immoral.
With Chick-fil-A and now the Scouts we are clearly seeing the radical edge of the homosexual agenda.
This agenda has nothing to do with tolerance. It is only about dominance in-your-face pressure and tactics to force people and pro-family institutions to accept their lifestyle as normal and preferred. The Scouts must stand firm against this pressure.
For more than a century the Boy Scouts represented cherished American values.
If the Scouts were to abandon its principles the result would be disastrous. After the Scouts in Canada opened the doors to homosexuals in 1999 membership fell. The Scouts now march in so-called gay pride parades.
In America the results would be similar. The Scouts would become a sham.
Scouting should hold firm to the transcendent values the organization has long promoted demonstrating the courage that is asked of every Boy Scout.