Benjamin Netanyahu: Leader of the Free World

Whether due to naivet foolishness or pure dishonesty President Obamas bungling of the Middle East crisis let alone his unprecedented attacks on our constitutional freedoms stateside has disqualified him to lead the free world. And so Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has stepped forward to answer the call.

There has been much talk of late about Americas fiscal cliff." As troubling as our impending (Obama-spurred) economic collapse may be and it is more troubling than even our most pessimistic economists are willing to admit Im even more concerned about fast-mounting tensions worldwide.

As the world government ship of fools drifts unmanned amid a sea of unparalleled global volatility we her passengers behold brewing on the horizon an economic and foreign relations perfect storm."

As so often is the case the hurricane swirls around the Middle East.

Historically the president of the United States has captained the ship. He has heretofore been duly regarded leader of the free world."

Not now. Not with Gilligan reaching for the helm.

Indeed the current occupant of the Oval Office spends more time with his feet on JFKs Resolute desk than he does leading from behind it.

But leading from behind" he does.

More commonly known as following" President Obamas follow-the-leader strategy in the Middle East represents in my view either inherent weakness on his part sympathy toward the Islamic cause or both.

I suspect both.

Indeed during his first term Mr. Obama betrayed both weakness personified and sympathy toward the goals of Islamic fundamentalism with his ongoing embrace of the Muslim Brotherhood. 

This extremist group with Obamas help now controls much of the Arab world. It has sworn in its own words to destroy" our Western civilization from within … so that it is eliminated and Gods religion (Islam) is made victorious over all other religions."

Not surprisingly today the Brotherhood rushes to the aid of both the terrorist group Hamas and Holocaust denier Mahmoud Abbas head of the Palestinian Authority. This as terrorists ramp-up decades-long rocket attacks and suicide bombings against innocent Israeli women and children.

Nonetheless and clearly stemming from a cynical political calculus Mr. Obama persists in paying shallow lip service to support for Israel all the while he continues to play footsie with the Muslim Brotherhood. 

Recall that just last year the president touted the Arab Spring" which any high school history buff could have predicted would devolve into the utter chaos it has as an extraordinary change taking place" wherein Square by square town by town country by country the Muslim people have risen up to demand their basic human rights." (You know like the Quran-given right for Muslim men to beat or kill women and homosexuals with impunity; or like the human right for both Iran and the Palestinian Authority to wipe Israel from the face of the earth.")

Whether due to naivet foolishness or pure dishonesty President Obamas bungling of the Middle East crisis let alone his unprecedented attacks on our constitutional freedoms stateside has disqualified him to lead the free world.

And so Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has stepped forward to answer the call. He has become de facto leader of the free world chief defender of Western civilization.

As Americas light fades under the Obama regime Israel has become for now at least the shining city on the hill."

With a nuclear Iran perhaps only months away Western civilization needs defending now more than ever. Israel needs defending now more than ever. Consider these words from top Hamas cleric Muhsen Abu Ita: Annihilation of the Jews here in Palestine is one of the most splendid blessings for Palestine."

Thus Israel defends herself. Israel defends the free world. 

To be sure the worldwide Islamic juggernaut has become emboldened by the actions by the inaction of a sympathetic do-nothing U.S. president. Muslim terrorists have as the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) recently noted turned Gaza into a frontal base for Iran terrorizing residents of Israel and forcing them to live under unbearable circumstances." 

Yet inexplicably many in the West people Vladimir Lenin might have called useful idiots" (i.e. progressives" mainstream media and moderate American Muslims) willfully suspend disbelief. They play directly into the blood-soaked hands of these terrorist cowards.

Having time and again demonstrated a willingness to sacrifice their own innocent people (consider child suicide bombers) these monsters today both deliberately target Israeli neighborhoods with rockets and intentionally place their own military launch sites and terrorist headquarters next to mosques playgrounds factories and the like.

This as intended has created a propagandist boon. Much of the world blames Israel when these human shields are tragically killed during pinpoint military strikes. Who needs missile defense when you have women and children to hide behind?

To both the Israeli and the Arab victims of radical Islam I say this: You are in our thoughts and our prayers. Our hearts break for you. We pray that God will cover and protect you during these dark days and nights.

To Benjamin Netanyahu I pledge this: Mr. Prime Minister Christian America thanks you for your bold leadership. We thank you for being the lone voice of freedom in the Middle East.

Sir you too are in our thoughts and our prayers. 

America stands with Israel.

We demand our president do the same.

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