Benghazi Betrayal May be a Cover-Up of American Weapons in Hands of Terrorists

width=306In a scandal looking more and more like Fast and Furious information is coming out revealing what may be the real reason why the Obama administration refused to provide military support to save Americans in Benghazi. Obama was terrified the public would find out that American weapons had been given to Libyan terrorists who then used them against Americans in the attack.

Glenn Beck reported that Glen Doherty the former Navy Seal who was killed alongside Ambassador Christopher Stevens told ABC News that he was looking for weapons in Libya. Middle East expert Barry Rubin has said U.S. intelligence confirms that Ambassador Stevens was in Benghazi to negotiate for the return of an American weapons system. Beck suspects that due to the lack of military security around Stevens he was a CIA operative sent to bring back the wayward weapons not just a diplomat. The terrorists may have even attacked the embassy in order to seize the American weapons stored there from the rebel-arming program.
There is ample evidence backing this up. In March 2011 Obama signed a secret presidential finding authorizingcovert help for the rebels in Libya. Although it did not appear to provide weapons Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has suggested that a U.N. resolution embargoing arms shipments to Libya only applies to weapons going to the Libyan government. In an interview with Diane Sawyer Obama tellingly declined to say whether he would arm the Libyan insurgents.
Read the rest of the article at Townhall
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