Atheist Humbugs

width=100Comparing singing Christmas carols to bullying is disingenuous devious and dumb" said Mat Staver founder and chairman of Liberty Counsel.

Its Christmas Eve day. As you stand before the bubbled display case you gaze mouth watering upon the vibrant collection of baked delicacies. You covet the sugar-varnished delights. You admire the skill and creativity behind each work of culinary art carefully prepared to please both eye and palate.

What a gifted baker" you say under your breath.

There is no baker" declares the young man in line behind you. That carrot cake is simply the undirected material manifestation of random events occurring over time. Mere chance."

Thats atheism. Everything from nothing. Zero times zero equals the whole shebang.

To deny reality of the Creator to disbelieve requires willful suspension of disbelief in the face of proof beyond reasonable doubt. To be a free thinker" demands captivity without due process of both thought and reason.

Things baked have a baker.

Things made have a Maker.

Romans 1:20 observes: For since the creation of the world Gods invisible qualities his eternal power and divine nature have been clearly seen being understood from what has been made so that people are without excuse."
Yet most atheists squander their lives both temporal and eternal faithfully excusing the Divine nature behind that which has been made (including themselves). They deny seeing what is both clearly seen and understood.

Thus they miss the boat they fail to realize the whole purpose for which they were both created and called. Its not just The emperor wears no clothes"; its There is no emperor."

And then they croak.

Their next words I suspect include something along the lines of oops" or perhaps some other more colorful variant.

Still I dont have a problem with run of the mill atheists. Scripture admonishes: The fool has said in his heart there is no God." As a wise and learned philosopher once said: I pity the fool."

God-deniers merit both pity and prayer. I hope beyond hope that they all come to knowledge and acceptance of Christ Jesus the very image of God.

Still every year especially around Christmas time religious zealots men of the cloth within the cult of atheism come out of the woodwork to remind us that they are driven not as much by disbelief in God as they are by childish hostility toward Him.

Our lost-souled friends over at the attention-starved American Atheists" for instance recently commissioned a huge sign in New Yorks Time Square to mock both Christians and Christianity. Below an image of Santa Claus the advert portrays the crucified Jesus: Keep the Merry! Dump the Myth!" it quips.

And just in time for Christmas.

Most Christians are really atheists who feel trapped in their familys religion" divined an evidently omnipotent David Silverman the impertinent sects high priest.

Meanwhile in Missoula Mont. Liberty Counsel has offered pro-bono legal advice to Missoula County Public Schools after atheist parents threatened to sue the school district for allowing students to sing sacred Christmas carols.
In keeping with secular-"progressives" propagandist anti-bullying meme the parents who declined to be identified reportedly told the school district that singing Christmas carols referencing Christ or the first Christmas is bullying." So to stop it theyre trying to bully everyone else into silence.

Makes sense.

Comparing singing Christmas carols to bullying is disingenuous devious and dumb" said Mat Staver founder and chairman of Liberty Counsel. I hope that the school district does not bow to the manipulation and fear tactics. Every court challenge to the use of sacred music or Christmas carols in the public school has been unsuccessful" he noted.
The only time atheists are successful is when school districts cave. That is why Liberty Counsel is pro-active in supporting these schools and protecting Christmas and students First Amendment rights" Staver said.

To be sure many secular-"progressives" particularly members of groups like American Atheists the ACLU the Freedom From Religion Foundation and the poor dupes they lead astray could give two flips about the First Amendment and bullying.

Theyre about the business of religious cleansing. That is to say theirs is a mission to rid the world of religious expression Christian religious expression more precisely in any public forum. Period.

They seek to both revise history and re-create an America in their own secular-humanist self-image. If left unchecked theyll do just that. Its tyranny of the rather obnoxious self-deluded minority; but its tyranny just the same.

Still whats delightful to me is that over the past 2000 years every effort to persecute and silence the Christian church has served only to help spread the good news of the Gospel.

Funny thing truth. Its like a buoy pulled beneath the lakes surface and fixed tight with rope. With time and against the tide of Christs love that rope the lie of atheism eventually rots. It snaps under its own weakness hurling the buoy from cold darkness to warm sunlight.

Jesus offers the world the exclusive path to eternal life and salvation. He is that warm light. He gives us all an unambiguous choice: I am the way and the truth and the life" He promises. No one comes to the Father except through me."

Not through the Buddha. Not through Muhammad. Not through Ganesh. Not through L. Ron Hubbard. And most certainly not through atheism.

Salvation comes through Christ alone.

Not to be outdone however the god of atheism also offers the world a choice. He never says it outright but its what he offers nonetheless. He is the end the lie and the death. No one comes to the Father through him.

As the world celebrates the birth of our Savior the incarnation of God in man Christ Jesus I pray that you will consider your choices wisely.

For the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord" (Romans 6:23)

Atheism offers death alone.

The gift of life is free.

Thats what Christmas is about. Thats why Christ was born.

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