Arizona State University Psychology Professor Teaches That ‘White Guilt’ Can Be Used to Transform Students into Social Justice Activists

Award-winning professor Stanley K. Ridgley, author of the book Brutal Minds: The Dark World of Left-Wing Brainwashing in Our Universities, called out a Arizona State University (ASU) psychology professor over her use of “white guilt” in the classroom in order to ply students into pursuing social justice activism.

Dr. Lisa B. Spanierman, who is an associate dean for academic personnel and faculty success in ASU’s College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, as well as a faculty member in the psychology department, caught Ridgley’s attention with a chapter she authored in the book, Guilt: A Force of Cultural Transformation.

Titled “White Guilt in the Summer of Black Lives Matter,” the chapter expounds on her belief that white guilt contributed to the Black Lives Matter movement during the summer of 2020.

Ridgley said, “[I]f Spanierman and her fellow travelers can generate fake ‘collective guilt’ feelings in their students, they can more easily persuade these students to do the ‘antiracist’ work that she wants them to. That is indoctrination, not education.”

He added, “she harnesses psychology to her ‘social justice’ agenda and calls for application of psych-manipulation of students to achieve political goals.”

Read the rest of the article at The Arizona Sun Times

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