Arizona State Senator Anthony Kern Sponsors Bills to Call for a Convention of States

State Senator Anthony Kern (R-Glendale) proposed three bills that ask Congress to call for a Convention of States as allowed for in Article V of the U.S. Constitution, so the states can vote on and adopt amendments to the Constitution. Once two-thirds of state legislatures demand a Convention of States, also known as an Article V Convention, the Constitution mandates it. The states then run the convention, passing and ratifying amendments with a three-quarters majority — without Congress, the president, or governors involved.

Kern told The Arizona Sun Times, “The Founders gave us Article V to push back on a tyrannical Government. Nothing else is working and a runaway is not possible. If a delegate votes against Term Limits, the delegate is immediately removed and replaced with an alternate. George Soros has lots of money, but not enough to buy 38 States, Congress, and the U.S. Supreme Court.”

SCR 1014 would propose a “federal fiscal responsibility” amendment and states that enough states met the threshold in 1979, but Congress failed to order a convention.

Read the rest of the article at The Arizona Sun Times

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