America's Big Signs

I have been a Christian for years.  I have told God that I would follow whatever path He has planned for me.  I have always followed up that thought with a prayer that God would put Big Signs in my path, so that I knew which way He wanted me to go.  Sometimes I am stubborn or let my ego tell me I know best.  As you probably know, that usually led me down a wrong path.  As you also probably know, it feels like more obstacles are thrown up at us when we are on the wrong path for us.  Not that our right path doesn't have obstacles, but they're a different type of obstacle.

My first marriage was like that - while there was love, and we had a wonderful child together, our life was strewn with obstacles that further divided us.  Obstacles created by us ourselves, a lot of the time, but obstacles that ultimately defeated our marriage.

Then I reconnected with my best [male] friend from high school.  We've now been together for over 10 years, married for the past 7 years.  While we have our differing opinions at times, usually, we are completely in tune with each other.  We not only finish each other's sentences a lot, we actually say the exact same thing at the exact same time; over and over again.  While there have been obstacles in our path, they strengthened our resolve, not divided it.  We both believe we are stronger together and have the same focus as a team.  We look for God's Big Signs in our life together.

In talking with hubby the other night, as we had just said the same thing at the same time, we discussed Big Signs and how thankful we were that we followed the Big Signs God gave us that led back to each other.  That got me thinking about America and the Big Signs that we are seeing.

Big Signs like open borders but closed opinions.  Government shutdowns based on politics.  Apathy instead of positive action.  More government dependence by less independence in our individual lives.  Looting and rioting being the new standard but legal protests being shut down and denied.  Like recent peace in the middle east and now acts of war being the new standard.  Nursing homes shut down and jails open.  Defunding the police but higher crime rates.  Decreasing drug crimes but increased numbers of people struggling with substance use disorders.

Those things made me think about how there are also Big Signs telling us the best path for America.  Big Signs like ask almost any anthropologist about how many genders there are.  Or talk with almost any religious leader to see what sins are actually okay to commit.  Or ask almost any parent of children under 7 if they want their child to be taught about sexual situations.  Or talk with almost any doctor about if an unborn fetus has its own distinct DNA.  Watch how many people move out of certain states and which states they move to.  Watch the job market and how many jobs are available and how many people are on the government dole.  Watch how many politicians have become millionaires since taking office.  Take a look at how many positions are open for public office - so many because people are getting burned out by Americas' politics.

So, how do we effect positive change in America?  Pay attention to the Big Signs.  How do we get back on the best path for America?  Get involved.  In Washington State alone, there are 190 elected positions up for election in the upcoming Primary Election.  That's a huge number.  So, run for office.  Or support someone who is running for office.  Get your voice heard - through social media, emails, meetings.  Speak up!  Have a discussion.  Reach out to people who are like-minded.  Your voice is just as important as everyone else's.  Watch for the Big Signs.  Once you find them, follow them.  That's the best path for America.

Flag by Ryan Bruce is licensed under Burst Burst