Maricopa County Officials’ Pathetic Response to Results of Arizona Senate’s Independent 2020 Ballot Audit

Maricopa County officials have issued a 93-page response to the findings of the independent Maricopa County ballot audit of the 2020 presidential election, which was ordered by the Arizona Senate. Presented during a meeting of the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors on January 5, the officials claimed there were fewer than 100 questionable ballots out of the 2.1 million cast.

Arizona Republican Party Chair Kelli Ward watched a portion of the meeting and expressed skepticism to The Arizona Sun Times, “The part that I’ve seen so far was a group of related good ole boys attempting to convince people that they ran a perfect election,” she said. “They want Americans to believe them over what we saw with our own eyes. Arizonans were totally justified in demanding an audit of the 2020 election — and we should actually audit everything so we can restore voter confidence that our elections have integrity.”

The report was prepared by Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer, who oversees Maricopa County Elections, in conjunction with the Maricopa County Supervisors. He recently created a PAC to back Republicans who deny there was any fraud in the 2020 election.

The report claims that much of the signs of voter fraud were really mistakes by ballot auditor Cyber Ninjas. It asserts that thousands of ballots flagged as improperly cast were really the result of the company’s sloppiness matching thousands of names of voters in the registration database to names on the ballots. The report said Cyber Ninjas made this mistake with 5,512 voters who moved within Maricopa County, 2,801 voters who moved out of Arizona, 631 who moved out of Maricopa County but remained within Arizona, and about 1,500 who moved out of state in the 29 days preceding the election.

Read the rest of the article at The Arizona Sun Times
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