Attorney General Kris Mayes Explains Why She is Prosecuting Arizona’s 2020 Alternate Slate of Electors for Trump, Gets Law Wrong

Attorney General Kris Mayes held a press conference on Wednesday to announce the indictment of Arizona’s alternate slate of electors for former President Donald Trump in the 2020 election, along with other named and unnamed co-conspirators and unindicted co-conspirators including Trump.

Mayes made several incorrect assertions about the law.

She began her press conference by stating that “the defendants and other unindicted co-conspirators raised false claims of widespread voter fraud in Arizona to pressure elections officials to change the outcome of a transparent, free, and fair democratic election.”

However, many of those involved did not make accusations of “widespread voter fraud.” Those discussed in the indictment mainly questioned the illegal activity in a handful of swing states, which is considerably different from asserting “widespread voter fraud.”

Next, many involved did not try to pressure election officials to change the election outcome. They merely asked them to look into the illegalities and consider other possible avenues to address them. These options included launching investigations, reconvening the Arizona Legislature, and conducting recounts.

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