The killing of free speech in Maoist America

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Despite this First Amendment to the United States Constitution, freedom of speech is clearly being killed in the USA today. And Congress has not had to make any new law to accomplish this. Rather, the corrupt collusion between big Maoist-dominated government and big “woke” corporations (particularly the Big Tech monopoly) has succeeded in making the First Amendment meaningless and irrelevant. When drafting the Constitution in the late 1700s, our Founding Fathers did not envision such evil devious futuristic Leftist strategies for subverting their intentions.

Conservatives, libertarians, and freedom-loving rebels against the Deep-State Establishment have, of course, been getting “cancelled” for years now. However, the hysterical fear-mongering power-grabbing overreactions to the COVID-19 virus—particularly the damn mask mandates and vaccine mandates—have boosted this authoritarian Orwellian nightmare to ever-increasing warp speeds (…warp 7, 8, 9…) during 2020 and 2021. And the senile sock puppet in the White House and the power-intoxicated Democrat governors across the country—with their crony corporatist allies—keep pushing it faster.

The latest prominent example of anti-free-speech Maoism is the disappearance of new shows this week from Dan Bongino’s radio program—as a result of his powerful vocal opposition to the employee vaccine mandate of Cumulus Media. Cumulus, which distributes Bongino’s program, has fired several other radio hosts because of their refusal to comply with the mandate. Speak out against, or refuse to obey, the illogical, illegal, fascist actions of big corporations or big government, and they turn you into the bad guy and make you disappear.

Bongino still has other platforms, and he will probably eventually be back on radio. But one must wonder how long any public platforms of any kind will remain available to conservatives/libertarians/dissidents/free-thinkers. The American Left is increasingly emboldened with, and drunk on, their power, and the American public has proven itself to be generally very compliant and very weak—like sheep. Thus, I would not count on a constitutional guarantee of anything anymore.

It is difficult to be an independent-minded dissident in the USA in 2021. As I have previously described on Intellectual Conservative, I recently lost my fully remote work-at-home part-time job because I refused to get the COVID vaccine. I was punished for my personal beliefs and I had an important source of income taken away—because of the illogical mandate of an out-of-control government and the cowardly compliance of my employer. My beliefs go against the Establishment doctrine, so I was punished. This is the conniving way that authoritarian regimes always operate.

Fortunately, I still have this online platform to exercise my free speech. And I was also fortunate a couple days ago to appear on a radio show/podcast to discuss my situation—the Phoenix-based Chips N Salsa Show (on Central City Radio), hosted by Alice Lara (and cohosted by the IC’s own Rachel Alexander the day I was on the show). You can see the video of that podcast here:

I am grateful that we Americans still have such options to exercise our constitutional and natural rights to free speech and free expression of personal beliefs. However, it should not be so challenging and potentially risky for us to do so. The Left regularly expresses its views in the mass media, social media, government policies, academia, public education, the publishing industry, pop culture, corporation boardrooms, and just about everywhere else. The Right has to censor itself to appear and remain on such platforms, it gets forcibly censored, or it has to find alternate platforms. That’s just the way things are today. It ain’t easy being Right.

In fact, it gets more difficult, more frightening, and more infuriating every day. I’m 61 years old. I fondly remember the freedom and free spirit of the 1970s. That bright freedom and spirit has been replaced by a dark foreboding choking feeling. What will be the next stupid fascist mandate that the dementia-ridden so-called president pulls out of his wrinkly old ass? What will be the next method of forced compliance instituted by the American Maoists in their expanding Cultural Revolution? They have already used the power of firing you from your job. Maybe next they will attack your access to your bank accounts, your ability to purchase essential items, your access to the Internet, electricity, water, gas…? That will teach you to comply or suffer! Are you going to tell me today that such actions are totally impossible??

I believe that any dystopian nightmare scenario out of Orwell’s 1984 is indeed possible today. Just read the words of that classic novel and realize how much of it is actually happening today.

The only way to stop this Maoist fire from burning more of America down is for vast numbers of Americans to strongly and forcefully fight back—in whatever way you choose to fight. There are many ways to fight back. But the first step is this:

Say “Hell, no! I ain’t doing that!” to the unjust fascist government/corporate mandates and policies. Speak out—boldly speak the truth. Resist and rebel. And be brave enough to suffer the potential consequences. 

Once we have established this basic foundation of rebellion, we can proceed to the next steps…

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